PATHOSRAY - new album, new labels, confirmed for PP Scan

I think the site is okay. Doesn't look great on IE because the text goes past the uh.. not sure what its called but whatever causes 3/4 of it to be darker. Looks fine on Safari.

I think it looks a little strange with part of it darker, but I realize why it was done that way. Might be better if its all darker. The 'yellow' boxes do look a little strange from a visual standpoint. But the point is to draw the eyes to it and for that it works.
Thanks, I did that one :(

So tell me, what's wrong with it, what don't you like? Too "heavy" graphically or what? I can only make it better if you guys tell me what you don;t like about it ....


Sorry man. I Like the concept, but the layout is very distracting. Horrible was probably too strong a word. Asthetically, the colors are great. The design and execution just need a bit of work. Your background is mixed in with the same vibrance as your content on half the page. The gray box that mutes the background eases that, and looks nice, but it doesn't extend (in firefox anyway) to cover the box called "Pathosray site updates".

Also, the backgrounds in those boxes, while clever, tends to eat the text and make it hard to read. I found some other issues too, while I was playing around with it, just visually, that Cheiron mentioned. When the site is maximized on a monitor with a high enough resolution, the grey box i mentioned does cover all of the text. When you resize the browser, the box in question also resizes, but the text doesn't. this happens on every page.

If you could fix the coding for the grey box, and do something about the grapics in the boxes (suggestion: make the graphics in the boxes a lot more transparent and bump up the text size), and maybe narrow the focus a bit I think it'd go a long way in improving the visuals.
I liked(not loved) the first, but the way everyone is talking about the new song I want to hear it, it is times like this I hate that i live in the sticks, as soon as I get to a computer with high speed I will check it out.
I ordered Pathosray from cd japan. 44 bucks but well worth it! This band will always deliver great music!
Did you get it yet?

*** No, It was shipped yesterday express mail. I should have it mid week...BUT....I have a legit promo of it from Frontiers records and I can say it is a totally killer cd!!! So...When I saw cd japan had it with a different bonus track I could not resist. I'm sure I'll but the European version as well...I am an avid collector, mp3's are good hold overs but nothing tops buying the cd and having that lossless sound!:rock:
*** No, It was shipped yesterday express mail. I should have it mid week...BUT....I have a legit promo of it from Frontiers records and I can say it is a totally killer cd!!! So...When I saw cd japan had it with a different bonus track I could not resist. I'm sure I'll but the European version as well...I am an avid collector, mp3's are good hold overs but nothing tops buying the cd and having that lossless sound!:rock:

Sweet! From what I heard it sounds even more addicting than the last :kickass:
I ordered Pathosray from cd japan. 44 bucks but well worth it! This band will always deliver great music!

Does it contain bonus tracks? Because if not, you could have easily ordered it from Laser's Edge here in the US for a lot less! :)

I got my copy from them and so far it's a great disc. Different vibe than their first album, but I'm not complaining!
Does it contain bonus tracks? Because if not, you could have easily ordered it from Laser's Edge here in the US for a lot less! :)

I got my copy from them and so far it's a great disc. Different vibe than their first album, but I'm not complaining!

The European/US version has a different bonus track than the Japanese version.
