Paul Di'Anno - Final US Tour

I imagine that conversation going something like this:

Diablok: The Princess Bride is such a terrible movie

Either that or he'll call you a dumb trailer park hick for liking something that he doesn't see it as smart enough of a movie...
Blade 2 part of those standards, or just a flop in your system? :lol:

my system of what is good and bad is at least my own. Not waiting for certain people to post that something is funny or good so I can jump on that band wagon.

As I said in another thread...Blade 2 offered something that most superhero films at that time were not. An interesting plot, great action, very nice visuals, plus used a character no one was interested in and bring him to Hollywood success.
my system of what is good and bad is at least my own. Not waiting for certain people to post that something is funny or good so I can jump on that band wagon.

So just because someone presents something to you that you also end up liking means jumping in the bandwagon?

Damn... You just proved the point that, essentially, 80% of metal fans are bandwagon jumpers. 'Cause, you know, they get a lot of bands introduced to them by friends and stuff... Damn, that's so disheartening. What a bunch of posers. I hate metal fans. They're all liars who can't decide for their own what they like...

As I said in another thread...Blade 2 offered something that most superhero films at that time were not. An interesting plot, great action, very nice visuals, plus used a character no one was interested in and bring him to Hollywood success.

I gave you that. We'll continue the movie chat in the movie thread.

Actually... it is taking away from any attention Dianno could get from this thread... :lol: I really want to say "carry on". :lol::lol: