Paul Di'Anno - Final US Tour

Back in my day, we traveled by foot for 10 miles, over the hills, through the woods, through sleet and snow to get to a show! We mail ordered demos directly from bands we read about in a fanzine we purchased! We tape traded live shows of bands we like, and always put a demo of an unknown band on the b-side of the tape.

So, you mean stuff like that?????????? :cool:
Precisely! Well played, sir. :lol:
I wouldn't say mortal enemies....
I just don't like his approach. Period.

I have met PLENTY of people over the years who I have had a LOT more brutal arguments with online.
There has never been a case where we didn't share a brew and carry on like best friends within minutes.

I would of course have no problem with the guy in person.
No one has to agree with everyone's MO online.

A lot of my freinds in the metal community became friends with me first by being a mortal enemy online and then at a show we would meet and become freinds.

If people read some of the fights Jason and I get into on a daily basis, they would crack up. Our email battles go on and on. But at the end of the day it doesnt effect our freindship and love.
Foo King is at least somewhat of a clever business name.
Eet Fukk? Come on. That sounds like a suburban crust punk record label name...... :lol:

"Eet Fukk" is what JaymZ wrote on his guitar during the early years of Metallica. But I agree it's a dumb name. :P

edit: I just realized that there is page and half of people talking about me.
I never though of any online battle as, "Hey, I will NEVER talk to you in person"

I have had great times with folks in person who I have argued with in the past.
Some of the lucky ones:
Met-Al = We even ended up in a band together!
OrbWeaver = She is lucky enough to mock my Jewfro with little backlash
JGolden = We share a love of the Exploited and other old school punk / metal
TheInvisibleGuest = We act like complete bros whenever we see each other, very huggy.....
JeremyGaines = The verdict is still out on this bromance, but I do like the guy very much

I would be happy to add EVERYONE on here to that list!

There is nothing wrong with disagreements, as long as their is respect.
We are all guilty of crossing the line at times.
It happens.
If people read some of the fights Jason and I get into on a daily basis, they would crack up. Our email battles go on and on. But at the end of the day it doesnt effect our freindship and love.

People ask each other where the other one is when we are not seen together at a show. Believe it or not, both of us like many bands that the other does not!!!!!!!
I'm the only girl on Jasonic's list.

I'm going to take that to mean that I'm the only female that can stand to put up with his snideass. Other than his wife, that is.

Would you guys believe Jasonic's wife is hot? I know, I wouldn't believe it either, except I've met her on more than one occasion. By some massive miracle, he managed to woo a nice, pretty lady. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true.

Totally giving Jasonic a hard time here, so no one get your sphincter in a knot.
I'm the only girl on Jasonic's list.

I'm going to take that to mean that I'm the only female that can stand to put up with his snideass. Other than his wife, that is.

Would you guys believe Jasonic's wife is hot? I know, I wouldn't believe it either, except I've met her on more than one occasion. By some massive miracle, he managed to woo a nice, pretty lady. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true.

Yes, my wife is hot, thank you. Luckily our girls look more like her than myself.

I think you are the only girl on THIS forum who I have "argued" with in the past and then met. I have met others. There were a few more females who would be in the mix if we took this conversation back to the Chicago Powerfest days!!!! LOL........
The E! True Hollywood Story featuring AeonicSlumber. That would be an awesome episode.


Btw bro, you know I'm only giving you shit right? lol