Paul Di'Anno - Final US Tour

Of course it is sarcasm.
Though I wouldn't say it read as "I hate this guy. He sucks. He is a junkie. He should be condemned"
There were some "meh" comments made from folks who had previously seen him.

That's a far cry from "Had Di'Anno NOT canceled on Milt, you would all be praisign his greatness. Period."

It's OK to admit when you're wrong. :lol:
Now this tour might've been interesting....

"Hardline Media proudly presents Paul Dianno and Blaze Bayley – former vocalists of Iron Maiden – performing together for the first time ever in Australia and New Zealand. In a world exclusive, for their co-headlining sets both singers will be belting out only Iron Maiden songs – classic tracks from their respective albums with one of the biggest heavy metal bands in the world. This promises to be a must-see event for any fan of Iron Maiden and heavy metal!
The tour will also mark Blaze Bayley's first time Down Under, taking himself and Di'Anno all across Australia (including regional NSW dates) and New Zealand in late November/early December. While Di'Anno has successfully toured Australasian shores previously, it will be his first performing solely Iron Maiden songs.
Both artists have released a wealth of their own successful solo material, but as a special treat for Maiden fans, to make this tour special they have agreed to only perform Iron Maiden tracks.
The majority of these songs are hardly ever played live anymore by Iron Maiden, so fans will have the rare opportunity to hear them performed by the legendary vocalists who first recorded them. This will be a dual headlining tour – whoever goes on last each night will be determined by the toss of a coin before the show. Fans are encouraged to get there early so as not to miss a minute of this special event."

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At least Blaze isn't a complete dick, and his solo stuff has some good stuff in it... I have a lot more respect for him than Dianno, but then again, that's no news... :lol:
Agreed. I like some of Blaze's early solo stuff I have heard.
I LOVE the X Factor. Can't say the same for Virtual XI.

I can't imagine a US promoter would take the financial risk on bringing BOTH guys over together but I guess we will see. May not be too costly if each shares the same backing band, ESP if it's one from the states.
This tour is being promoted by EET FUK PRODUCTIONS.

What could possibly go wrong?
I am sure each date will go on flawlessly!!!

As opposed to "Foo King Entertainment," which manages Nightwish, Blackguard, Sister Sin, Soilwork, and others?