Paul Di'Anno - Final US Tour

Blaze is REALLY nice, I'm happy to say. I would have been very disappointed if I discovered otherwise!

Yeah, he always seemed pretty genuine and honest about his place in metal history from the interviews I have seen. Actually, I saw a few interviews of Di'Anno from the first US tour from recent times a couple years ago, where he seemed to actually have a good head on his shoulders, and actually said some positive things about the Maiden boys. Well, as we know now, he wasn't legally supposed to be touring, given the disability benefits he was also collecting... OOPS!!!!!!!!
Hahahaha. Still waiting for you to justify your relevance to anything oh wise one.
I don't understand why Aeonic still gets questioned to prove who he is...he posts interesting/relevant information and opinions, and I can't recall other people in the industry calling him out for being full of shit (if I'm wrong about this, I'm sure someone will point it out). I care far more about his contribution to the forum than who he actually is.
I don't understand why Aeonic still gets questioned to prove who he is...he posts interesting/relevant information and opinions, and I can't recall other people in the industry calling him out for being full of shit (if I'm wrong about this, I'm sure someone will point it out). I care far more about his contribution to the forum than who he actually is.

He is the one who claimed I was irrelevant.
He has hinted previously at being some sort of insider.
Why he is so afraid to state who he is or what he does is beyond me.
The only reason I despise the guy is because insult is his only response to disagreeing with someone.
Why he is so afraid to state who he is or what he does is beyond me.

Lol... Maybe people don't really give a shit about being internet accredited. Oh, yah, he doesn't tell everyone who he is or what he does, so he must be afraid rather than possibly not giving a fuck what people think about his opinions or information.

It's like saying "I don't believe Bill Gates exists because I've never had coffee with him, what, is he AFRAID of being called out for stealing windows?"
I don't think it's a matter of being afraid. I don't see anything wrong in keeping things completely separate. If for some reason, your job requires that you do that, then nobody should be judging. You're not a liar, you're not a scumbag, you're not doing anything wrong. I think a lot of people envy AS in a way - he's got a lot of insider info that lots of people wish they did, he knows personally a lot of people who some of you wish you did and he might even earn a living (or close to it) because of his involvement with his passion, which a lot of you wish they could. I think it's about time people should quit getting sand in your vaginas because AS won't say what his involvement is or isn't. If he doesn't want to say it, it's his right. Shut the fuck up about it already. This is older than the download/no download debate.

And trust me, I do think AS can be a troll as well and think that he tends to give out some "out of the blue" insults. I don't agree with that either. But let's be fair, there's quite a few who do that around here...
And trust me, I do think AS can be a troll as well and think that he tends to give out some "out of the blue" insults. I don't agree with that either. But let's be fair, there's quite a few who do that around here...


And he's CONSIDERABLY better than he used to be. Which is more than can be said for some forum regulars, unfortunately.
Well, that's fine if he doesn't want to say what he does.
Though whenever he disagrees with me, his only response is an out of left field insult, or the usual "well, I know, but I can't say" response.

This thread is a lot more promo than Di'Anno deserves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
he's got a lot of insider info that lots of people wish they did, he knows personally a lot of people who some of you wish you did

This is 100% bullshit.
I hate when people say stuff like that.
Why would you presume I would be remotely impressed?

I guess it depends on who you are.
I am not a star struck person.
I only converse with band members when they appear to be approachable and actually seem like they are interested in talking.
That's just me.

I seriously don't care if he ran Century Media or Nuc Blast, or managed Iced Earth, or worked for Enter the Vault............

He is a person, and shouldn't resort to "holier than thou" insults because he feels he has insider info.

That's my beef with the guy.
He is a person, and shouldn't resort to "holier than thou" insults because he feels he has insider info.
As opposed to holier than thou responses from older members of the forum who like to point out how long they've been doing this? ;)

I'm mostly joking, no real offense meant, but let's be honest - all of us have our holier than thou moments. Maybe he has them more than others, I don't know. I've had no problem with Aeonic, even when he started posting here and damn near got run off the board. If you don't like him, you don't like him - fair enough. I just think that the argument that he should reveal who his identity is 1) invalid and 2) pretty played out.
This is 100% bullshit.
I hate when people say stuff like that.
Why would you presume I would be remotely impressed?

I didn't say "YOU" would wish to have that info or know those people. :)

He is a person, and shouldn't resort to "holier than thou" insults because he feels he has insider info.

Agreed. As some around here shouldn't be so passive aggressive in their posts. :)
I wouldn't say mortal enemies....
I just don't like his approach. Period.

I have met PLENTY of people over the years who I have had a LOT more brutal arguments with online.
There has never been a case where we didn't share a brew and carry on like best friends within minutes.

I would of course have no problem with the guy in person.
No one has to agree with everyone's MO online.
but let's be honest - all of us have our holier than thou moments.

I will be the first to admit that I do at times as well.
Mainly when someone who just gets into metal goes on and on about how many bands they know or are into because of the luxory of sitting in their mom's basement illegally downloading every band from whatever genre discovered.

Back in my day, we traveled by foot for 10 miles, over the hills, through the woods, through sleet and snow to get to a show! We mail ordered demos directly from bands we read about in a fanzine we purchased! We tape traded live shows of bands we like, and always put a demo of an unknown band on the b-side of the tape.

So, you mean stuff like that?????????? :cool: