Paul Di'Anno - The Beast in the East DVD - THE REVIEW!


Apr 13, 2001
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Well, after Blitz's tip-off, I skedaddled down to Metal Mayhem and picked up this sucker. The short review: It rocks. The slightly longer review: It rocks hard. for the set list and all.

I'm a big fan of most of Di'anno's work, and the guy hasn't let me down again. It's a great show they recorded, the sound is awesome, Di'anno sounds great, and on the Maiden songs he just makes them his own again. Possibly the best version of Murders in the Rue Morgue ever recorded. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say 'Arry should watch this to see how a how should be edited together.

The extra features are pretty good too, for the most part. There's a couple of bootleg shows that kinda look and sound like bootlegs, but I guess that's sorta to be expected, a reasonable interview, some audio only tracks and the usual guff like picures and biographies and that sort of thing.

The packaging is suprisingly good when you consider it's a Di'anno release, and the DVD's put together pretty well too. Nothing too fancy or ambitious, but it's solid and good.

Some complaints though: It's too short. 13 songs may sound like enough, but the main concert only goes for just over an hour, and I'm sure there's been stuff edited out. It would have been better to lose one of the bootleg shows and put an extra 2 or 3 songs in the main concert. And one technical one. I think the video encoding was pretty poor. For the most part it was OK, but in some spots it almost looked like a webcast. A fairly high quality webcast, but still....

Was it worth the money? Well, at the $55 I paid for it I can honestly say...almost. I think it's the first concert DVD I've watched from beginning to end, and that includes RIR. $45 it would have been perfect. If you can get it for less than $40 grab it and don't let go.
Sounds great! A little out of my price range though. :(
I'll have to look around the net for a cheaper version or something.

Dianno rocks! :rock: