Pavlovs Dog

Never heard of it. Although the Queensryche quote deters me of seeking it.
I have been a fan of their first two albums since 1978 I believe.

carnut and I saw them live in Belgium in 2006. That was a great concert!

They are a blend of symphonic rock and rock and pop influences.

This is their first album called "Pampered Menial":

And here is their second album called "At The Sound Of The Bell":

I had to get used to David Surkamp's voice.
But with a history of listening to Rush and Styx this was not a problem for me.
I have legimiately never heard of this band before! Cool stuff. Guitars are very 70s Priest/Ryche hard rock sort of sound, but you could also say there are a lot of other bands they sound like: Thin Lizzy, Wishbone Ash, Rush. Very proggy. Rolando, I would give this a listen! Singer sounds A LOT like 70s Geddy. Try the song around the 4-minute mark.

By the way, when the original poster said Pavlov's Dog, I thought they were thinking of the band Conditioned Response who had an album called Pavlov's Dog, which is VERY Queensryche sounding.

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