Pay To Play OZZ FEST Says Biohazard & Sanctuary Records

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
BIOHAZARD's SEINFELD: 'SANCTUARY Has Destroyed Our Chances Of Breaking Through'

BIOHAZARD frontman Evan Seinfeld has slammed the band's U.S. label, Sanctuary Records, over the lack of promotional and marketing push given to the group's last two studio CDs, claiming that the company has "single-handedly destroyed" the group's chances of attaining a greater level of commercial success than they've been afforded thus far. When asked by how being on Sanctuary has changed things for the band in terms of exposure and opportunities, Seinfeld responded, "Sanctuary has single handedly destroyed my hopes of BIOHAZARD ever breaking through to the next level. With thousands of bands, on hundreds of labels all pushing hard, it became discouraging when they don't want to spend any real money to keep up with the Jones! Like bands that totally suck come out, get radio play, play Ozzfest... but yet they may be gone in two years! We outlive it all! Labels! Trends! If you are in a band, just stay true to your music, it will live forever! Everything else is fuckin' bullshit! The music industry is wack! For your knowledge....every band you see on the second stage of Ozzfest paid $75,000 to Sharon to get there! That's doesn't mean they are good, that means they have money! They (Ozzfest) will not put any bands on that have history like BIOHAZARD, unless you have a big radio push! Labels need to spend several hundred thousand dollars to get a song played. Without money you probably can't get any big tours! We play a lot in Europe, that's where it is real for us. Not so trendy there...we sell out clubs there with out gay MTV!"

Taken From Blabbermouth.Net
Here's a question, was it the record label that paid for Voi-Void to get on the OZZ FEST? Or was it Jason who footed the bill? Or Sharon & Ozzy could have waved the fee, because Jason is playing in OZZY on that tour?
I saw the Ozzfest that Biohazard opened...and it was Killer!! Biohazard is too good for the Ozzfest now. That was the last Ozzfest that was worth a shit. Biohazard, Sepultura, Danzig(who sounded horrible), and of course Ozzy!
the only great ozzfest tour was the inaugural one (arizona/devore ca) in 1996.
the line-up had: neurosis, biohazard, fear factory, sepultura, danzig, slayer and of course ozzy.
I think that fat idiot made up the part about bands playing that much to play on ozzfest, Shadows Fall(the best band ever to play ozzfest) is on Century Media Records, and there is no way in hell they would put up that kind of cash........but whatever, biohazard sucks major dick
to play on the 2nd stage of the ozzfest, you either have to pay a large some of money or you have the same management as one of the bands on the main stage who is granted a favor in exchange for the larger act's participation.
it's all about knowing the right people and having the right connections in the upper echelon of the music business.