Paysage D'Hiver – Das Tor


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins

Holy hell this is doing odd things to my skull right now. :kickass:
I can't believe I just paid $31 for a demo.

But hot damn, this is pretty fucking stellar.
Yeah I'm late to the party with this dude, but my physical copy showed up today, and man-o-woman, this shit is COOL.

You fuckers are missing out. I miss out on many things, but not this thing, oh no, definitely not this one, no no indeed.
Same dude, right?

Maybe I should listen to Darkspace.


I think that's a Danzig B-side (Banzig D-side?).
are darkspace and paysage dhiver really worth spending the dollars? or is it just some cult "deep" black metal for wannabe elitists?
I think it's some of the best black metal out there. I like Darkspace a little bit more because the ambient parts are more "spacey" than the cold bleakness of Paysage.
In 10 years this might be as good as 'N Crugu Bradului. I compare the two because they both sound like nature. And also come in very fancy packaging.
Oh ok, cool.

One can never be sure if the actual topic is being discussed around here.. even by the op