PC configuration [Gaming/Recording]


Feb 18, 2008
hey guys,

i might need some help for a PC configuration as i am not up to date anymore.
my current PC ist still pretty good, however i'd like to buy a new one as i am slowly reaching the limit, especially when it comes to recording/mixing.

here's what i have got together so far, i am not sure on the RAM though,
i've picked DDR3 ram as the MB is supporting DDR3 only but maybe another board with DDR4 support might be better, as i want this to be ace in the next 3-4 years.


CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-4790K

RAM: Kingston HyperX DIMM 32 GB DDR3-1600 Quad-Kit

GPU: EVGA GTX 980 Superclocked ACX 2.0

SSD:Samsung 850 Pro 2,5" 512 GB

PS: be quiet! Dark Power Pro 10 1000W

any tips/hints appreciated! :rock:
Next 3 - 4 years, then go with DDR4, it will be worth it.
I think 32Gb is cheaper with DDR4 as well.

Don't know what OS you're going for, Win 10 is going to require a bit more space than 7.
SSD's are getting cheaper, but instead of a 512GB, I'd go with a 256 for OS and software, then another 256 for samples and other stuff. (right now I have two 128GB SSD's for that)
SSD's do decrease loadtimes in games, but as soon as the game's loaded, it doesn't matter.
Go with a 1 - 2TB (or more) HDD that you can store backups on and finished projects (and maybe games).
i'll have to look for another MB then, but yeah i also like the idea of DDR4 :)
do you have any more info on clock rates/latency?
i know a lower latency is always better but not sure about the clock rates, 2133, 2400, 2666, 2800 etc.

great idea with the two SSD's, i'll definitively think of this when i place the order!

thanks man, this is definitively making decissions easier! :)
is there much of a difference between DDR3 and DDR4 RAM for DAW use?

hmm, my current PC is still badass,
like i can play battlefield4 in full HD and all settings maxed out without problems, but i can't go under 256 samples in cubase without having dropouts,
i guess it's the ram. CPU should be ok also it's an i7-2600K@3,4GHz.

the windows rating however tells me that the CPU ist the weakest part,
if you can trust this thing...
I wrote this a couple of years ago, and it's basically what I'm still using.

If you go under 256 samples, try increasing the rate at the same time, I don't know what soundcard you have (internal or external) but it I have a M-Audio 1010Lt and it's not the best, but I can run it at 96KHz and 64 a samplerate, if I want to when I'm recording, when it comes to mixing you can increase the samplerate to 512 or more. It'll give you latency when hitting play, but you'll be able to get more plugins in use before it starts giving you dropouts, etc.

My music pc is Intel, but my other internet pc (and games, image editing, craporama) is AMD. But I'd definitly go with Intel for music (and gaming too, if you're not on a tight budget), Intels next releases are Broadwell ("Tick" a refined version of the current Haswell) and Skylake ("Tock" New arcitechure, better than and different from Haswell and Broadwell, like they are from Ivy Bridge), then their next "Tick" is Braswell.
Skylake is supposed to be released this year in the third quarter.
So you might want to save up to that.

I don't have a lot of money, so I think I'll be needing to save up to that so I can get it by the end of the year.
And switching to another soundcard, maybe external.

Anyway, the higher the frequency of the RAM, the faster it is, and also more expensive, the starting frequency of DDR4 is almost twice as fast as the lowest frequency of DDR3, so I wouldn't worry about RAM being a bottleneck, go with what you can afford.
this looks pretty interesting, i'll hava look asap! :)
maybe something is set up incorrectly as my current PC should definitively give a better performance.
my PC is also neurotically organzied and clean o it must be something else, or maybe i just got used to it and need a boost...
my budget is about 2500€, so i'll be definitively going for DDR4 ram, just need to find the right board that supports DDR4.

thanks for all the info man, it's really helping! :)