PC in an amplifier? Orange thinks so.

If it works it works... my first impression: Fucking stupid idea.
Also, isnt it a bit of a stupid idea to put HD's next to speaker magnets? Also, also, isnt it a stupid idea to put a big sheet of spinning magnetic material and wi-fi antennas and stuff next to your guitar in jack? Also, also, also is it me or can anyone else hear the hiss thats as loud as the guitar signal? I love the way they spend more time talking about how great it is for gaming on rather than how awesome it is for recording.
"Dedicated graphics for gaming"

I can't take this seriously. If its intended use is for recording guitar/playing guitar than why make it a gaming PC? I would rather get a good amp and a good PC.

I think it would have been better for them if they invested the money to make a dedicated interface like the Axe-FX.

Also i bet you can't just put a new motherboard/cpu/etc. in for upgrading.

But it is an awesome idea for a case mod. :)
I think it's goal is to be a vanity piece. Just something for people with too much extra money to buy.