PC Music Recording


Mar 18, 2004
I ve just bought a new PC and a pricey sound card to go with it.
I have GP4 and Cubase SX already.
Can someone recomend any other processors etc i will need to get good
guitar recordings. Of course its metal im playing so i want something with
good distortion capabilities. I ve been recomended a Behringer VAmp 2,
or a Line 6 Guitar Port, anyone got these?! If so would they do the trick?
I plan to use guitar pro 4 for creating drum tracks and putting it all toghether in Cubase. Anyone recomend anything else set-upwise i ll need?
It depends how much you're willing to drop and how serious you are I guess. Since you've obviously opted for doing direct in I can tell you that the podxt is the best out there from what I've read and heard at this point. It you're on a budget though the guitarport seems a good option since you can upgrade it to have a lot of the same patches as the podxt. The vamp2 sounds a lot better than the pod 2 and is well worth the money if you want more versatility but after not even a year with mine I've gotten quite sick of the digital sound, but you might not. Just go and try them I guess.
sounds good, but don't use guitarpro for the drum tracks.

use cubase's drum editor and map the drums to a VST drumkit, it'll sound a hell of a lot better.
Silent Song said:
sounds good, but don't use guitarpro for the drum tracks.

use cubase's drum editor and map the drums to a VST drumkit, it'll sound a hell of a lot better.

Cheers man, how do you map the drums to a VST kit though?
well down on the left side there's all the track info, and part of that is Inputs and Outputs. you gotta set that to the drum machine for it to record your midi drums with the synth. otherwise it will play them back but won't record it.

input: your soundcard
output: lm-7 (this is the kit i like best, use whatever one you want)
chn: (i let it set whatever it wants)
compressor <----- this is the specific drumkit i set for it from the dropdown box
map: GM map (this sets midi notes to specific drums so that for example middle C could be high hat)

then when you go to edit the midi track and insert notes, it should sound like drums. if you set the output to a VST instrument (like lm-7) it will record it when you save the song. otherwise it will play it along with your other stuff but won't include it in the recorded version.

NOTE that if you set any midi track, the tempo setting matters now. when you go to record other parts, i suggest you have this tempo set first so its what you want, because if you try to change it later things will not line up correctly.

in Cubase VST instruments are found under Devices or hit F11 key. Drum Editor is under MIDI menu.