peak oil?


Active Member
Jun 6, 2001
Brooklyn, NYC

So i stumbled upon this website the other night over at another music forum . It's about peak oil and how big of a problem it really is/will be. It is indeed a pretty bleak read throughout. Seems to be a likely scenario for the future, but much sooner than we think? Granted a lot of it has a fear/panic mongering tone but i don't know. I'm not too versed in the the economics aspect of the problem, and i would like for others to chime in here. Has the hole been dug so deep, that there isn't a way out of this.

Naturally a lot of people think/hope? the problem will just 'work itself out', how would that work in this case? Or is this whole website just wing nuts looking for a buck and attention? Personally i found the whole thing quite scary, and at the very least it's something to be aware of for the future? Even if it's not the catastrophe the article implies it will be, something has to give. I think people just want to believe something big like this could not happen to them or us as a society.

RC'ers your thoughts? :err:
I'll just keep obsessing myself over things that don't matter and then when everything falls apart I can be that crazy prophet who speaks in tongues and so I'll have legions of followers to do my bidding.

Trust me, I've had it all planned out from the beginning.
I read a little about this too, a couple years ago. I've let my interest in it subside since then, so I don't have much to say other than what we've both read. Peak oil will surely come relatively soon, it's all a question of when exactly and whether we'll be able to adapt to the shift. As of now, it seems that none of the alternative energy sources on the table come close to replacing what oil gives us, alone or combined. Unless we pull something ridiculous out of our asses (fusion power, hydrogen fuel cells that actually work), now may be a good time to start learning how to live the simple life again.
So I haven't done an incredible amount of research on this yet, and as such can't qualify it as Absolutely Factual like I can global warming and evolution, but it's a pretty scary theory, and entirely plausible. I have noticed a bit less of traffic congestion lately, which can be attributed to a variety of things I'm sure, such as high gas prices, lowering employment numbers, etc. but still, these days when I look around at how many cars are still on the road, constantly, I realize how utterly tied we are to the assumption that perpetual oil is everlasting. Honda and BMW have hydrogen cars, but those are quite a ways off from mass availability, and besides, this is Califuckia, the "crazy green state" where many solo pilot 9-passenger SUVs whilst sucking down a crisp 8mpg along with their quarter pounders at 7am on their 45 mile commute every god damn day. The attitude is simply not there, only would it change after much kicking and screaming, and even then only by absolute force. Yet this is just the recreational aspect! Doesn't even begin to get into the trouble we are in when your favourite Vons in Palm Desert can't get any fucking food because the delivery trucks all stopped 100 miles west, and all the local farms were bought out years ago to make more room to put up a parking lot. Murphy's Law you fucks, nobody believes it but it always happens.

I doubt that the shit housing market, even as widespread and stupid as it continues to become, will take down this empire. But running out of oil would stop it dead in its tracks, likely fast. Hopefully a variety of fiefdoms will rise up to take the place of an overstretched Big Gov't, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. This is one reason why I wish to become a gunhaver, just in case it is a scenario I'll be forced into dealing with before I join Møøse up in them thar hills.

I've linked this dude several times here already, but he's a big Peak Oil proponent:
meh, peak oil will just force humanity to move its ass and find an alternate viable energy source (read: not solar nor wind power)
Not yet, but I plan on it very soon. Daniel Day-Lewis? Oil? Sold!

Holy poop I didn't realize it was based on an Upton Sinclair book. Rad.