Pearl Export + MH CS

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
just recording this punk Band and the drummer brought a Pearl Export....

I won't be using any samples on this job and am actually aiming for the crackiest snare ever, lol (drummer plays rimshot only and we tuned the snare (Remo Goldcrown) as high as possible).

we were NOT going for the perfect metal-tone, but I thought you might be interested in hearing a Pearl export w/o any samples or surrounding instruments.

all the processing is MH Channelstrip I used the "smooth" and "warm" settings on the comp (an there's FUCKLOADS of compression going on as you can hear ;)

Pearl Export + cracky snare

this is just the first rough-version (just started tweaking like 30 mins ago) I'll post a full mix somewhen next week so you can hear it in the context of a song
my god that snare is beyond what you'd think a drum could do. Not my taste exactly but it's an awesome sound in its own right

loving the kick btw, that's a very consistent player you're working
my god that snare is beyond what you'd think a drum could do. Not my taste exactly but it's an awesome sound in its own right

loving the kick btw, that's a very consistent player you're working

yup loving that's actually my main studio guy here (the one who played the Alestorm CDs and the Incubator etc)....first time I'm recording his own band.
I did record samples of the kick but they sound completely different than the real track (much more clicky...well, of course...because on the samples he hit harder). Plus I didn't HP the overheads so a big part of the kicksound comes from the overheads

I could upload the samples anyway though, if anyone's interested

it's just an Export with a single D6 though
Holy fuck that sounds great! Didn't listen too carefully and it's late but from what I could tell right now... it was really really good, and it's "just" an export!

Just makes me realize I should invest in better mics myself, I can never get those highs with my current mics, and the nice fat body on the kick!
Holy fuck that sounds great! Didn't listen too carefully and it's late but from what I could tell right now... it was really really good, and it's "just" an export!

Just makes me realize I should invest in better mics myself, I can never get those highs with my current mics, and the nice fat body on the kick!

thanks alot. the funny bit is..I used a pretty cheap preamp on toms and Kick...just wanted to try it in a real project again and it worked quite well (octopre).

I really did some processing though, tons of compression etc...I'd post screenshots but that won't help you if you don't have the same plugs

here's the kick:

but as I said, it doesn't sound much like the real one in the project.....
could perhaps work for blending in on some other projects though to get the click
Thanks Lasse, the kick samples seem pretty cool, I'll definately try applying them to anything I might record soon to see if it can help bring up some high-end click. Can NEVER have too many drum samples :)

Heh, let's not even talk about preamps... my preamps are the ones that are in my Mackie VLZ 1402 mixer, so I'm a "tiny bit" on the lower budget scale. But still, it can't stop me from trying and more importantly, learning!

Doesn't seem like you have mentioned what mics you used for everything though. Mind giving some details?
yeah...the problem with those samples is that I did all the EQ and comp settings on the actual mic track and later just applied the same processing to those samples, that of course doesn't work too well, but I couldn't be arsed tweaking them more if I'm not gonna be using samples anyway.

snare: 2xsm57
kick: D6
toms: e906 on racktoms, D2 on floor
hat: sm7
Overheads: km184
Ride: c414 (no ride in this section I think)

sent snare to a buss and processed both mics at the same time.
MH on every track.
loads of parallel comp on the entire drumbus.
snare and toms to the same verb (dverb)
some room on all the drums (revibe).

I'm really digging that MH CS
here you go:

bear in mind that this was just a quick roughmix and I might change some things...
I first used the MH on the parallel drums also but later I ran out of ADC and replaced it with another comp...the MH sounded actually a bit better (used the "smooth" setting on that one as well).

tracks (toms are edited by hand, like I always do....cutting all the bleed out manually):

snare is being gated via a time-advanced trigger track fed into the sc-in of the gate







Overhead (bus)

Drums Para:
drums para.png

drum group.png


Snareverb (and toms):


oh, and I've got the Smart C2 on the yet another stage of compression ;)
Hello Lasse,

Finally some "drums-only" clips of you :) I like it and I´m sure it will work phantastic in the mix! For my personal taste, the snare is too high, but I should never rate some special drumsound elements before it sits in the mix. Your actions are made with purpose. Great work, man. I will also make some Pearl Export only clips in the next time..maybe we can exchange some experience.