Peavey Windsor - $250 !!! [Stupid Deal]

I made the mistake of doing the JCM800 mod to it, it sounded better without it! Probably buying it again:D
I got mine for 199€ and ended up selling it pretty quickly. After being impressed at first, I didn't like it at all in the end and the build quality was shoddy at best. If you're looking for a tube amp in the price range, have a look at the JCA20H. It's on a whole different level.

I owned that amp too, very creamy and has a very good tone for the price. Major bummer was that it only had 20 watts, and doesn't have an FX loop.

The Windsor actually has a super scratchy high end around 12khz and up, to be honest it doesn't sound very good in the room. Once you LP it though, it has a pretty nice open mid range-y tone.
Bought, lololololol. It'll be good for when I'm looking for a Marshall-y tone/as a back up for the 5150.
Saw this one earlier.

Still debating it. I've always wanted one to have modded, but I've never tried a stock one, so I'm not sure whether I'll like it or not, and I don't have the cash to pay my tech for mods right now :(
I was in a band with a guy that bought one and I was very impressed with the Windsor. He only payed $175 for it used.

I a/b compared it with my 5150 with the same cab/boost/guitar and the Windsor sounded pretty damn good for 175 bones.

If I didn't have an amp and was hard up for money I would buy one.

If you already have a 5150, dual rec, etc your not missing anything with the windsor.