Peavey Windsor vs. Vypyr? Should I?

The Vypyr 60 has a tube power amp fed by a modelling preamp. I would personally get the Windsor half stack anyday over it. As always, YMMV. In the worst case, I still think the Windsor will be a better value over time.
In the worst case, I still think the Windsor will be a better value over time.

Old post... but I seriously doubt that. I see them on CL and other forums all the time for $150, they aren't very highly regarded amps and I seriously doubt they will go up in value much over the years, if any.

However, the Windsor CAN be a pretty awesome sounding amp if you do some mods (a few changes and it can be an exact copy of a Marshall 2203), but I wouldn't even think about trading a Vypyr 60 for a stock one.
Well, I was never able to do the trade because the guy ended up selling it a few hours before I was supposed to go and do the trade. I hate dealing with people on craigslist. Seriously. But, I did find some guy to buy it, so now I've put that money towards a Mesa cab and now saving up for the right amp head atm. But thanks for your suggestions.... I'm actually glad I didnt make the trade. I see the Windsor heads on CL and at guitar center used all the time now for $150-$200 US. :lol: