Pedophiles to launch political party

Mikobass said:
We teach them to count, to read, to write but who actually shows them to think for themselves and look beyond "immediate pleasures"? You usually learn that on your own in your later teens or in college.

This is an issue that has been ever on my mind as I get older and start to think about bringing children into this world. A parent can teach the child whatever they wish, but I feel that I'd be largely helpless to prevent my child from being corrupted by the school system. All I could do is try to teach them to be critical of everything they learn, but this would take time and there is no telling what kind of ideals would be driven into them by moralizing teachers and administrators. I guess an alternative would be home schooling, but that may not be a financial possibility.
Good schools do still exist, although in limited quantities. It's difficult to strike a balance with education. However, my general belief is that, providing you send your children to a decent school then, regardless of its failings, a proper upbringing at home will still produce good, healthy kids that grow into adults with something to contribute.
derek said:
However, my general belief is that, (...) a proper upbringing at home will still produce good, healthy kids that grow into adults with something to contribute.

I agree with you on that, good "parenting" at home is the most important factor. But, I feel it's only a minority of the youth that gets to have that. Most have "average" to "adequate" I guess.

I wish education (of the mind) was a real value in our society. To me, it all starts there. Sometimes it takes so little to change the life of someone in such a huge way.
derek said:
Good schools do still exist, although in limited quantities. It's difficult to strike a balance with education. However, my general belief is that, providing you send your children to a decent school then, regardless of its failings, a proper upbringing at home will still produce good, healthy kids that grow into adults with something to contribute.

I think something that is problematic with parents expectations to produce "good, healthy kids" is that many parents expect to be able to intstill their values into their children and think that for the child to be "good" they must follow everything the parent says to the letter. I do not believe this is a feasible way of raising an individual, and plan to focus on teaching my children to develop faculties of critical thinking from a far younger age than I have learned them myself. I believe that in order to get through to children in this way one must put oneself in their shoes. I do not believe it is feasible to assume the attitude that children are unruly, bad beings that must be moulded into functioning members of society. They are developing, do not know what we know, and will undoubtedly act in ways that look indefensible from the point of view of an adult.

I find it frustrating that the critical thinking skills I've developed in the past three years were a novelty me upon arriving at university. It seems that our education system relies on teaching children one thing and progressively eradicating and re-teaching them a different way as they age. This is typified in this type of mentality from teachers: "I don't know what they tought you in grade/high school, but now that you're older we'll teach you how it really is." I can't count the number of times I've heard this and had to stifle my urge to point out the inefficacy of this type of pedagogy in raising children. The education system, from beginning to end, (and remember that I predominately speak of the Canadian system as that is the one in which I have been raised) drastically needs to be unified in a way that allows teachers in secondary and postsecondary school to build on what is tought before instead of confusing students by invalidating earlier methods and teaching ones which often contradict those tought before. This is unbelievably confusing as a student, and leads to children like me wondering why they've had the wool pulled over their eyes.
I enjoy reading all of these intelligient posts. (Of course, I am the No1 fan of Norsemaiden. There is a lot of brain power on this forum. That being said, I believe abusing children is the most heinous crime of all. I will not listen to liberal thinking as a possible solution. Too many times, criminals are able to hide behind the law, and we have people who want to help them. What about the children?? Who will help them with the emotional scars, yrs after the incident? Being attracted to a child sexually. What "sick" fuck could commit these atrocities? On their first offense, I say, with vigor create a drug that will eliminate all sexual feelings in these barbarians. Studies have shown that they will re-offend. Rather than "bitch and moan" and not do anything, I say with absolute committment, bring these scum of the earth to me and my Viking comrades. And I assure you they will never touch a defensless child again. On that I give my word. Btw, the culture "machine" at least in America is responsilble for the embryonic stages of this nightmare. It starts at home, parents, raise your children properly and teach them to defend themselves. Quit blaming whoever and whatever, and take action. For if you don't, these barbarians will be sent to me.
Hey Ironbeard, I know you're my number one fan, and I like you too - but I have to say I don't think these degenerates should be called barbarians. I want to reclaim the word barbarian to mean people like Vikings and Germanics. Honourable people with naturally excellent morals - as I expect you are. Degenerates like paedophiles require civilisation as they are not tolerated by more barbarous people.

I hear that Xenophon, who lived amongst the Spartans, wrote an account refuting the rumours (already common at the time) that the Spartans routinely practiced pederasty. I really like the Spartans they were much better to their women than were the other Greeks (who practiced far more pederasty by all acounts). When there is mention of the Spartans boys taking an older man as a "lover" - I have heard that the word for "inspiration" is the same and this could well be what was meant. Who knows?
I hear you and agree 100% wth you Ironbeard, hurting helpless childrens is one of the worst possible crime I can think of. That being said, I'm not sure we are talking of children here and I'm not sure we are talking about crime either. Teens (some, not all) are having sex everyday as early 12 yo and sometimes even less. Is it Ok for two 12 yo to have sex? I don't know! I know I wasn't quite ready at that age. But I also remember that at 18 yo I met this girl who look at least 17 but was actually only 13 yo. And the very least I can say is that she looked quite "ready" and was open about it. Would I have been a pedophile if something had happen? Would I had committed a crime? Should I be castrated? Am I a danger to society? You tell me!!

Lets live and let live, who are we to judge people lives? Do I think it's a good thing to have sex so early in life with adults, not really. I don't think it's a "wise" move for the adult "lover" either. But each situation is unique and sometimes love has strangest ways. Teach your children otherwise if you do not wish them to have sex so early. To me, where there is no victim, there is no crime...
Pull The Plug said:
speed: What I said obviously had a deal of sarcasm and exaggeration.

Well consdiering paedophilia is immoral, I don't see myself as being immature and wrong for completely outlawing it.

If they (paedophiles) have been abused and molestered as a child, does that give us a sense of sympathy or even (GULP) apathy towards their actions towards other children themselves?

I agree they should be helped, but not at any stage whatsoever should their behaviour be considered acceptable.

I was just trying to do anything and everything to make this a philosophical discussion.
derek said:
I never mentioned any sort of punishment, Curt :)

I am indeed on the boat of Plato, blind vengeance is for animals, I believe some sort of understanding should be sought. I still would find it immensely diffiuclt to be in a room with a pedophile and not wish to smash his skull, and by saying that I just hope to illustrate how hard it is to temper that attitude in order to achieve something more worthy of our intellectual growth as a species, as Plato said.

I stand corrected, they should not be called barbarians that is an incorrect description for them. For we Vikings, and people of Germanic descent are of the highest moral order. How about this: give all these pedophiles( of course, language always inserts a nicer sounding word, as if to minimize the severity) let's call them what they are child molesters/abusers. For pedophile sounds like a foot disorder, it certainly to me does not sound threatening. Anyway, give them an uninhabited island, put them on it and occasionally air-drop supplies. Remove them from society, and let them fend for themselves. IMO, there will never be a compromise in protecting our children.
ironbeard said:
I stand corrected, they should not be called barbarians that is an incorrect description for them. For we Vikings, and people of Germanic descent are of the highest moral order. How about this: give all these pedophiles( of course, language always inserts a nicer sounding word, as if to minimize the severity) let's call them what they are child molesters/abusers. For pedophile sounds like a foot disorder, it certainly to me does not sound threatening. Anyway, give them an uninhabited island, put them on it and occasionally air-drop supplies. Remove them from society, and let them fend for themselves. IMO, there will never be a compromise in protecting our children.

That was funny. Perhaps burn them on a Viking funeral pyre? Or would that be some form of apostasy and sacrilige against Odin and Thor? I wonder if Vikings took young brides? With the raping and pillaging and all.
Mikobass said:
I hear you and agree 100% wth you Ironbeard, hurting helpless childrens is one of the worst possible crime I can think of. That being said, I'm not sure we are talking of children here and I'm not sure we are talking about crime either. Teens (some, not all) are having sex everyday as early 12 yo and sometimes even less. Is it Ok for two 12 yo to have sex? I don't know! I know I wasn't quite ready at that age. But I also remember that at 18 yo I met this girl who look at least 17 but was actually only 13 yo. And the very least I can say is that she looked quite "ready" and was open about it. Would I have been a pedophile if something had happen? Would I had committed a crime? Should I be castrated? Am I a danger to society? You tell me!!

Lets live and let live, who are we to judge people lives? Do I think it's a good thing to have sex so early in life with adults, not really. I don't think it's a "wise" move for the adult "lover" either. But each situation is unique and sometimes love has strangest ways. Teach your children otherwise if you do not wish them to have sex so early. To me, where there is no victim, there is no crime...

It's not just the fact that the child is underaged, it's the fact that children at ages (as you stated) 12 and 13, are not fully aware of what they do or what they get themselves into. Say having some sort of sexual intercourse at that age level, without a victim as such may seem perfectly fine. However the child doesn't know the full importance or effect this has on them, until later on in their life.

I know many people who have had sexual relations at young ages like these and regret it, because they "believed" they knew what they were getting themselves into at that age; but really didn't have a clue.

Underage sex is banned for a reason and it does make it a lot easier that way.
Consuming Impulse said:
Pedophiles are sick people who should be kept down. They should all be behind bars or in their caskets. FUCK NAMBLA!
Dude, don't hate on the North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes!

Inhumanist said:
Public castration would remedy this situation. Even the most liberal people I know are 100% disgusted by these sick bastards.
Honestly, I think it's really sad about the fact that this is true.

Mikobass said:
Demilich, you cannot be accuse of stalking Norsemaiden around because Norse is everywhere, she is Omnipresent thoughout all posts!! lol!! I like her and agree most of her treads as well, eventhough they are sometimes a little long. But I prefer "long" to "stupid", something she is definitely not!! lol!
Wise words.

All in all, here's my stance on Pedophilia. It's not wrong or right. If somebody is caught taking a child's innocense against their will, then it's just as bad as any other rape case, but it's not right to condemn someone for having a certain sexual attraction. That's just as bad as condemning Gays.
The Vikings wouldn't have had wives who were not sexually developed - and that would have meant they'd be around 16 or over, as puberty occured later than it does today. The ancient Germanics waited a long time before pairing off, generally around age 20, as they felt to do otherwise would stunt their growth.
In Viking marriages the approval of the parents and of the bride were given first.

Viking rape during raids may have happened with the odd rogue individual, but the whole rape thing is actually Christian church propaganda and not to be believed. Vikings did not come from a rape prone country and they respected their womenfolk.

"Orgies of rape originate in a culturally ingrained hatred of women that is acted out in extreme situations." It would not be possible without feelings of hostility towards women.

"The oft-repeated thesis that the purpose of this is first and foremost to take revenge on the enemy accepts, for one thing, that women are "war material", and is, for another, refuted by reality. The victims of rape in May and June of 1945 were not only Germans, but also Jewish women who had survived the Nazi terror, and women from Eastern Europe whom the Nazis had used for slave labor. In Kuwait, too, the women raped were not exclusively Kuwaitis, but also immigrant workers from the Philippines, Egypt and other countries. Susan Brownmiller draws the conclusion that women are raped in war not only because they belong to the enemy camp, but because they are women and as such are enemies (Brownmiller 1978:69)."

Vikings did not have this kind of attitude towards women. Many other cultures were and are inclined to this culture of hatred towards women, although to hugely varying extents - by now it has spread to affect every country far more than in the past -perhaps that is why people find it harder to believe the Vikings would not feel that way.
Pull The Plug said:
It's not just the fact that the child is underaged, it's the fact that children at ages (as you stated) 12 and 13, are not fully aware of what they do or what they get themselves into. Say having some sort of sexual intercourse at that age level, without a victim as such may seem perfectly fine. However the child doesn't know the full importance or effect this has on them, until later on in their life.

I know many people who have had sexual relations at young ages like these and regret it, because they "believed" they knew what they were getting themselves into at that age; but really didn't have a clue.

Underage sex is banned for a reason and it does make it a lot easier that way.

I kind of agree with you. Teens/children (however you wish to call 12 and 13 yo) are not fully aware of the consequences of their actions. Some will go into drugs, others random acts of violence, others will have sex. The laws in place are not able to prevent that. Bottom line is : Where are the parents? What kind of education did those younglings have? Too often some teens are left on their own to do what they want. If there is not some sort of guidelines coming from the parents (and to an extent from society), this is what happens. Putting someone in jail for that will not solve the issue, it will only squander a little more the tax payers money... Anyways, I made my point, going any further would be unhealthy stubbornness and I'm trying to cut on that! Lol!
Ptah Khnemu said:
but it's not right to condemn someone for having a certain sexual attraction. That's just as bad as condemning Gays.

Thank you! I agree entirely. Romanticising notions of barbarism and incorporating them into a moralizing crusade to exterminate people with sexual attractions you don't like = lose!
I think it is a wise plan to remove these individuals with repeated degenerate and destructive behavior from society. Maybe not extermination, but i liked the idea of a transporting them to a deserted island. They can be free to do their own thing there without persecution. This goes for (hard) drug users as well.
Discovery said:
I think it is a wise plan to remove these individuals with repeated degenerate and destructive behavior from society. Maybe not extermination, but i liked the idea of a transporting them to a deserted island. They can be free to do their own thing there without persecution. This goes for (hard) drug users as well.

Should we not send into this exile island all these evil satan worshippers who listen to heavy metal music as well? Lol! If a crime is commited, we have Jail, that's what it's for. "Different" is not a synonym of "Evil"... What is this urge for people to start Witch Hunt all the time!!!
Not to get off topic, but once again Norsemaiden has amazed me wih her thorough knowledge. I assure you if a "rogue individual/viking" ever raped or abused a woman or child he would be STRUCK down. I don't want to sound like a neandrethal, but, let's quit pussy-footin' around here. We are talking about our CHILDREN, our future. I apologize to anyone I may offend, for I know that this is primarily a "philisphocal" discussion, but I am not concerned about the rights of these monsters. They lost all of that when they hurt a child. Speed, I will burn them on a Viking funeral pyre, that's a good idea. I would not be starting a "witch" hunt, I would be meting out justice. ( I must realy work on my spelling)