Pedophiles to launch political party

Right on ironbeard :) This idea that if a kid is interested in sex they are ready for it is just wrong. I'm surely not the only one who was turned on by certain things from the age of around 5? Kids that age play sex games but they are in no way ready for the real thing - even though some may not complain at the time. Even most teenage girls regret their first experience. A line has to be drawn and 12 is well too early for that line. (And I'm not being a prude!).
ironbeard said:
(...) Speed, I will burn them on a Viking funeral pyre, that's a good idea. I would not be starting a "witch" hunt, I would be meting out justice. ( I must realy work on my spelling)

I must admit I am speechless facing such a display of brutal desire to kill people...

Then again, I wondered why people were so brutally emotive about it and went back reading the original tread and I did not notice the yahoo link, and upon reading it I understood why you people were so carried away. I thought we were only talking about changing the age of consent from 16 to 12. Abolishing age of consent all together is not acceptable in our society. This would constitute a crime that should be punish adequately. I am kind of puzzled about the sex with animals though, what is that all about? I can't understand! Who would actually "like" that?
I must admit I felt 12 yo was a little early for me as well, but since there are always exceptions I felt the "coussin" might be necessary in order to not have people categorized as guilty without any form of trial, this way we would have had to judge case by case each situation. But if this is seen as "Step 1" toward abolishing the age of consent, I do not want anything to do with that and take as much distance as possible from this.

and you are right, I do have a great sens of "respect for the sacredness of human life" and justice.
I agree with Norsemaiden and Mikobass. Getting rid of a legal sex age is completely absurd. That would mean that a person could get away with boning a todler. THAT'S NOT RIGHT!!!

And excuse my lack of better words for "having sex with".
Mikobass said:
Demilich, you cannot be accuse of stalking Norsemaiden around because Norse is everywhere, she is Omnipresent thoughout all posts!! lol!! I like her and agree most of her treads as well, eventhough they are sometimes a little long. But I prefer "long" to "stupid", something she is definitely not!! lol!

I just should say, it's great you think my posts are intelligent (I'm not really THAT omnipresent). Sorry if they're a bit long at times, but at least not superfluous. It's very nice that some of you are so complimentary!
Death Animal said:

Some of you maybi heard this.
But what do you think.

Dutch pedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalization of child pornography and sex with animals, sparking widespread outrage.

We should Bomb Dutch if they accept it.
the legal sex age might not go down to 12 cuz it might just go down to 14 which is more likely to happen because the legal sex age is already down to 14 for a lot of countries around the world and a few states in USA (because the legal sex consent age is left up to the individual states instead of being a national law thing)
speed said:
Statements like these, show an incredibly low level of maturity and intelligence.

Perhaps there is a reason said persons are sexually attracted to children? Did they incur some horrible abuse as a child themselves? Did they never grow up? Do they derive some sadistic pleasure besmirching the innocence of these young children? Or, is it totally natural? One hundred years ago it was perfectly common in the western world to take a young girl as ones wife. Two hundred years ago, it was perfectly normal to take a fourteen year old girl. In India and other countries, girls are married off at 12 and even earlier. The ancient Greeks were great pederasts, and routinely had sex with young boys. And this practice was adopted by many great philosophers, scientists, politicians, who essentially founded the western world. Point being, one has to question whether it is not natural to have sex with a sexually developed child?

And even if one does not find the reason for their interest in such young partners, surely with a little therapy and professional help, said persons may be cured of their afliction, rather than being sent to jail uncured, or being castrated, which is the most barbaric and sadistic thing Ive heard. One wonders about those who would wish to sadistically punish, rather than cure.
i totally agree with this post
except that the term "sexually developed child" seems to be an oxymoron
if they're sexually developed, then they're not really children anymore
if a male is capable of impregnating a woman, then i'm not gonna bitch at the female teacher that gets pregnant by a student (happens a hell of a lot more than what gets into the national news)
there are 7 guys in Texas prison for "child molestation" and they all "molested" the same "child"
but i personnally know this girl, (she's been married for almost a year) and i know that she enjoyed every second of every sexual encounter and she laughs every time she talks about how easy it was to lock-up the guys that were giving her orgasms and cigaretes
Mikobass said:
I am kind of puzzled about the sex with animals though, what is that all about? I can't understand! Who would actually "like" that?
have you ever met anyone that owns sheep?
i know a lot of guys that will swear up-and-down that a sheeps "pussy" actually feels even better than a human one
and i know girls that love horse dick