Pending Draft Legislation Targeted for Spring 2005

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Pending Draft Legislation Targeted for Spring 2005
The Draft will Start in June 2005

There is pending legislation in the House and Senate (twin bills: S 89 and HR 163) which will time the program's initiation so the draft can begin at early as Spring 2005 -- just after the 2004 presidential election. The administration is quietly trying to get these bills passed now, while the public's attention is on the elections, so our action on this is needed immediately.

$28 million has been added to the 2004 Selective Service System (SSS) budget to prepare for a military draft that could start as early as June 15, 2005. Selective Service must report to Bush on March 31, 2005 that the system, which has lain dormant for decades, is ready for activation. Please see website: to view the sss annual performance plan - fiscal year 2004.

The pentagon has quietly begun a public campaign to fill all 10,350 draft board positions and 11,070 appeals board slots nationwide.. Though this is an unpopular election year topic, military experts and influential members of congress are suggesting that if Rumsfeld's prediction of a "long, hard slog" in Iraq and Afghanistan [and a permanent state of war on "terrorism"] proves accurate, the U.S. may have no choice but to draft.

Congress brought twin bills, S. 89 and HR 163 forward this year, entitled the Universal National Service Act of 2003, "to provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons [age 18--26] in the United States, including women, perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes." These active bills currently sit in the committee on armed services.

Dodging the draft will be more difficult than those from the Vietnam era.

College and Canada will not be options. In December 2001, Canada and the U.S. signed a "smart border declaration," which could be used to keep would-be draft dodgers in. Signed by Canada's minister of foreign affairs, John Manley, and U.S. Homeland Security director, Tom Ridge, the declaration involves a 30-point plan which implements, among other things, a "pre-clearance agreement" of people entering and departing each country. Reforms aimed at making the draft more equitable along gender and class lines also eliminates higher education as a shelter. Underclassmen would only be able to postpone service until the end of their current semester. Seniors would have until the end of the academic year.

Even those voters who currently support US actions abroad may still object to this move, knowing their own children or grandchildren will not have a say about whether to fight. Not that it should make a difference, but this plan, among other things, eliminates higher education as a
shelter and includes women in the draft.

The public has a right to air their opinions about such an important decision.

Please send this on to all the friends, parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents, and cousins that you know. Let your children know too -- it's their future, and they can be a powerful voice for change!

Please also contact your representatives to ask them why they aren't telling their constituents about these bills -- and contact newspapers and other media outlets to ask them why they're not covering this important story.

You see though, Karmic, we don't need it. The country already has a large military... there is no need for a draft. I can understand countries from Europe that have smaller populations, and countries like Israel (Israel is on my mind because we had two people come into history class on friday and talk about the mandatory service thing), because in order to have a sufficient military, a draft is required. But the states already has a large volunteer force

So its useless.
i refuse to fight a war that i believe is unjust. when will we see the day where the stuck up political leaders go pick up a gun and get their asses shot. let's see video tapes of them being beheaded on internet streams. let's see the people that care so much about "protecting democracy" support THEIR views. i don't give a fuck about iraq. it's around the world from me. they fight their own wars. they fight their own leaders. just because they all let saddam become a fucking dictator isn't our fault. oh yeah, we're doing such a great job in iraq. let's just get a draft going so more of our americans can die in a fucking useless cause "protecting american people." yeah, because you know Iraq has the fucking ability to hurt our people. only people they're hurting are the ones we are SENDING over there.

fuck bush. he has no right to run a country. he's a worthless piece of shit, sending innocent people to their deaths in a county we have no business protecting. you'd think he'd get an idea of what would happen by looking at ANY aspect of the Vietnam War. i hate politics. they all talk a bunch of shit and send citizens to fight their battles.
sorry i wrote a lot, the topic of the "conflict in Iraq" just pisses me the fuck off. and if we have a draft because of this... this country is fucked up.
i agree...why should we be forced to fight and probally die in some god forsaken hell hole that we shouldn't even be in
SirDidymus127 said:
i refuse to fight a war that i believe is unjust. when will we see the day where the stuck up political leaders go pick up a gun and get their asses shot. let's see video tapes of them being beheaded on internet streams. let's see the people that care so much about "protecting democracy" support THEIR views. i don't give a fuck about iraq. it's around the world from me. they fight their own wars. they fight their own leaders. just because they all let saddam become a fucking dictator isn't our fault. oh yeah, we're doing such a great job in iraq. let's just get a draft going so more of our americans can die in a fucking useless cause "protecting american people." yeah, because you know Iraq has the fucking ability to hurt our people. only people they're hurting are the ones we are SENDING over there.

fuck bush. he has no right to run a country. he's a worthless piece of shit, sending innocent people to their deaths in a county we have no business protecting. you'd think he'd get an idea of what would happen by looking at ANY aspect of the Vietnam War. i hate politics. they all talk a bunch of shit and send citizens to fight their battles.
SirDidymus127 said:
i refuse to fight a war that i believe is unjust. when will we see the day where the stuck up political leaders go pick up a gun and get their asses shot.
(cut to save space)

I'd agree with pretty much every word. However, it should be noted, that these bills aren't going anywhere. Here's an article on the subject if you're interested:

For those who don't feel like reading the whole thing, here's a breif synopses:

"Don't worry folks. Both bills were introduced in January 2003, and members of the House and Senate quickly referred them to committee, where they remain today (and will stay until they die a painless death)."

Bill said it very well.

Any country that needs to draft people to fight its' wars doesn't deserve to win. This is horribly fucked up, and while the Senate and House have gotten very good at letting this kind of thing die in committee, if Bush gets re-elected it's a very dangerous situation.

Friends don't let friends vote Bush.
They'd probably give me number 1 in the draft on purpose, dickholes. I took a few entrance exams and physicals for the Army and apparently I scored really well on both, I'd even enter the service three ranks ahead of the average. Why don't I join? Because I don't believe in what's going on right now. I may in the future if we get the hell out of this "USA Knows Best" shit.

Why do we always get involved in other countries' civil wars anyway? How would we have felt if the UK or Russia became directly involved in the American Civil War and forced it to go one way? There'd be a lot of peeved people.

I'll stop myself before I get pissed..