Penetrator Fans

Ok you Crazy freaks!
Here is the low down on Pnetrator on Rapture Radio.
We love supporting underground bands that is what Rapture is all about!
You guys killed me with emails and I respomded with a Rapture first a triple play of Pentrator this is something we have never done before and it was based on the amount of emails you guys sent!
When a banda fans react we will also react and I thank all of you very very much!
However rules are rules and the same rules apply for every band!Rapture receives 5 cd's a day from underground bands and we play all of them!And we supprt all of them.
Now Rapture cannot survive on the airplay of underground bands alone as we seek to make this station the best we can for everyone so we do play alot of the big name bands if you have heard of them we usually play them.
Now the rule is songs get a 72 hour lifespan if the ratings are good on the songs the ratings are based on a 1-5 star rating.Now in 72 hours if the ratings ars till doing well we add new tracks from that band and usually we end up playing every track from the album.You guys are requesting the crap out of Penetrator and we have 2 Pentrator tracks currently playing (This is one more than we usually play for unsighned bands because you all responded so well)
Now here is the story 48 hours into this Pnetator is at 3 stars and when a band fall below 2 stars they get yanked!So if you want to cnontinue to hear Penetrator you need to rank the songs high when you hear them ok?
Also this might leave a bad taste in some peoples mouth but I have seen people claim the more Pentrator we play the more they will listen.
We are fair to all of the bands who send in their cds and they will all get airplay but if you are only here for Pentrator then you might as well move on.
I want all of the listners I can get of course but I am not gong to be pressured into breaking the rules for anyone.No one supports Underground bands more than Rapture and I am so glad you are here but please do not be a fairweather fan there is alot of amazing underground music here!
Thanks for your time!
This reminds of the story of the car salesman. A guy walks into a car dealership after hearing that it has the Viper he's been looking for.
It's the perfect colour and it's fully loaded. He takes it for a test drive and falls in love with it. Just as he starts to pull out his wallet and lay out the cash, the saleman unwitting insults him and he walks out of the store.
He still buys the car...but at a different dealership.
Wow this is getting pretty crazy. From an outsiders point of view, (someone who has never heard of Penetrator) I appreciate Wes playing all different bands. I think that's awesome that he received so many emails about this band that he had to play a triple shot, however, my favorite band is Darkest Hour and the Haunted, but I understand that not everyone likes those two bands, and I wouldn't want to hear them played all the time. That's why I listen, to hear of new bands so I can check them out, not just the same band over and over. That's cool he keeps bands on there that do well, and take bands off that don't. He's only paying attention to what the listeners want to hear, and that's who matter. If this band, Penetrator, is not getting good ratings, then they shouldn't be an exception, not everyone's going to like the same bands and that's what makes it cool to listen to internet radio.
Wes is fair as fuck, there are so few people out there that do what he does.....and he does it so well, So dont bust his balls, help him cause he is only helping YOU at the end of the day,
Cheers Wes
I think that it is great that you are so supportive of the band. You have really gone the distance when it comes to helping these guys out.
After reading what you wrote several times I realised that if you skim over the text too fast, it sounds like you're telling these fans to go away!
I know that is not what you meant! I think that's what they thought.
Penetrator have a weird effect on some people.
Their fans tend to be.......extemely devoted.

I'm a HUGE PENETRATOR FAN and I love what you are doing for the band.

PLEASE...Keep up the good work.
First and formost it looks to me here like some people took this in the wrong direction
So lets go over some simple facts and do this as fare as possible.
1.Did I come to you asking to listen to Rapture because we were playing Penetrator?
2.When you contacted Rapture about playing Penetrator di we do so,Did we also play a triple shot and thank all of the fans for emailing in?
3.Will I continue to play them if their rating continue to do well?Answer :yes
Now for my side of things I would like you to take a look at the list of(some of the)unsighned bands Rapture has featured.
Hell of Blades
Take as Needed
Down for Five
Second Flesh
Violent Pride
Blunto Force Trauma
Ancestral Cerimony
Against 72
Born of Ahes
Avenger of Blood
Now unfortunatly only about 5 of these bands lasted very long on Rapture simply due to poor ratings or lack of fan support but some of them stayed on the station for over a month!!!So keep rating the songs high and keep listning and you have your wish Penetrator on Rapture Radio
After much thought, I gave myself a swift kick in the butt.
I don't see too well after long hours at my computer. I sounded off about stuff after having a rotten day.
I realised that Penetrator are grateful for everything Rapture Radio has done for them.
I'd hate to give the impression that their fans are big jerks.
Sorry Wes.
Your doing a fine job.
Just ignore me when I make an ass of myself. I do it often!
I am king of making an ass out of myself.
I in no way would ever try and run anyone away from the station!
Listners are what Rapture is here for and yes we love to support underground acts.
It was just a bit overwhelming the responce I was getting and thought maybe I should explain to everyone how the request system works.
You guys rock the planet!