Penn & Teller take on the Vatican!

Judging from past threads, I'm thinking that you're preaching to the choir with hate of the vatican. Cool episode.

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"haha wow really? you are so insecure about the lies and deception of your cult that you have to announce when penn and teller are going to have their vatican episode? you only bitch and whine because you know what they say is true and that they are going to plant questions in peoples minds about religion and how it corrupts people and then your mindless sheep will stray away."
I still believe in my deity of choise and I was a really active in the local parish youth center and later on I even was in the parish communion council still a few years ago, but because I saw so much shit and bad use of tax payers money behing the scenes that I came to a conclusion that I don't need an organized religion to tell me how to believe. Nowadays I see it more like as the major record label of faith, it's there only for the business eventho they claim that they are there for the "other cause".