people not into hardcore yet watch this : TERROR August 9th 2012 live set


Aug 26, 2007
Paris / Montpellier, FRANCE
Terror (Multi-Cam Full Set) :
by hate5six Plus

August 9, 2012
Union Transfer
Philadelphia, PA

Soundboard mix by Len Carmichael (
Second angle by Steven Cergizan

Full-set here :

Seriously if it doesn't make you want to go on stage, stage dive, jump in the pit, two step as if your life depended on it and go nuts, i can't help you anymore.
wow that's crazy. I would never want to be near that stage. how are all those people in the pit being ass-bombed from the stage-divers not getting all hostile and shit?
music is pretty good although I've never been into hardcore. what's the hardcore attitude all about by the way?
Ha ha ha... oh Scott Vogel. I'm gonna go listen to Slugfest.

Never seen Terror but I've seen him with Buried Alive a bunch. Pretty fun, but I think I got over that whole jump on stage and punch the air thing about a decade ago. Although it does still hold a special place in my adolescence...
wow that's crazy. I would never want to be near that stage. how are all those people in the pit being ass-bombed from the stage-divers not getting all hostile and shit?
music is pretty good although I've never been into hardcore. what's the hardcore attitude all about by the way?

Well same question would be asked for guys in the front row at a regular metal show when there is crazy slam-dancing (or "pogo-ing" as we call it in France) going on behind them :)

Hardcore attitude is hard to sum up, and there are several meanings to that word anyway (like what it means to be "metal" or "indie" or "sellout" or whatever).

If i had to talk about the music that bands affiliated to hardcore do, i would say they have very catchy (and sometimes pissed-off) songs, very straight-forward, very groovy, mixing punk and thrash metal for the most part, and a crazy energy and crowd participation at shows.
For some, hardcore would be being a big family, taking care of your own people, pay respect, be tough, blablabla
For some others it would be wear nikes and basketball jerseys and kick people in the face on purpose at a show and think Emmure is a hardcore band.

For me hardcore is about all those awesome bands i dig and who happen to be affiliated to this thing called "hardcore", in which i like the incredible energy among others.
Some bands happen to have a very strong message or some stuff that i relate to (Earth Crisis and their animal rights/save the planet stuff, Merauder and their "get your shit together and become your best self", etc...) as well as some things i don't relate to or agree on (the "let's be the toughest guy on earth" contest among others).
Some bands are just fascinating or amusing, like you would be with a movie for instance (the "godfather" movies -> madball, all the serial killer sick stuff -> kickback, etc).

I think they are plenty of diversity in hardcore (from Terror to Sick Of It All to late Leeway to early Leeway to Maximum Penalty to Knuckledust to Merauder...) as there is in metal (from Death to Testament to Textures to Pantera to Opeth to Strapping Young Lad, and so on...), and this is as much for the music itself as for the bands' attitude and whatnots.
This embodies pretty much everything I hate about hardcore, I don't mind the music but the attitudes of the fans and the bands are fucking ridiculous

The fucking fans think they can just come in a venue and run the place, trash shit and throw fists in the pit and jump everywhere.

The last hardcore show we had at my venue there were so many fights in the pit, and security couldn't even do anything about it because they tried to stop them and the "hardcore crews" kept ganging up on security to keep them from stopping the fights. Fucking ridiculous stuff.

I have absolutely no respect for these type of people because they have absolutely no respect for the venues that hold their shows.
This embodies pretty much everything I hate about hardcore, I don't mind the music but the attitudes of the fans and the bands are fucking ridiculous

The fucking fans think they can just come in a venue and run the place, trash shit and throw fists in the pit and jump everywhere.

The last hardcore show we had at my venue there were so many fights in the pit, and security couldn't even do anything about it because they tried to stop them and the "hardcore crews" kept ganging up on security to keep them from stopping the fights. Fucking ridiculous stuff.

I have absolutely no respect for these type of people because they have absolutely no respect for the venues that hold their shows.

I can see where you're coming from, but in this particular show i didn't see any fights or that kind of b.s.

"The fucking fans think they can just come in a venue and run the place, trash shit and throw fists in the pit and jump everywhere"

-> i can see the problem with people trashing shit, but throwing fists and jumping everywhere ? This is the same as slam-dancing and headbanging and going nuts in a metal show. I hope there will always be ridiculous circle-pits at Exodus shows, as well as at Terror shows.
I think one can have fun, go nuts, and yet be respectful.

And also : not all the fans are the same !!! The one that annoys you the most are the only one you seem to remember, and the rest who are acting cool seem invisible to you (which is a very natural thing).
It's also natural to dis something when you experencied something bad out of it, even if there is some good to it, but you missed it. Like one who's not into rap might dis it because he only thinks of it in terms of gang violence/machismo/lack of musicianship and so on, and miss the rich lyrical content it can have and the fact that there are some real talented musicians in it (see The Roots for instance) and cool music to listen to, regardless of it being played with real drums or just a turntable or a MPC.

I've seen fights as much in hardcore shows as in metal shows.
I've seen disrespectful assholes as much in hardcore shows as in metal shows.
I hate the hardcore guy who stage dives and walks on people's heads in the front row and punch one guy's face on purpose as much as i hate the metal guy who's gonna throw a beer can in the air during the show or shove the shit out of some guy who bumped into him by accident because of some pit movement.
There is definitely a crew/let's be tough b.s more in hardcore than in metal tho', but again that has not much to do with music and the live energy, but just a minority of stupid people acting stupid and ruining the show.

When i say "you should get into hardcore", i meant "you should check out those bands affiliated with hardcore" more than "you should embrace all the hardcore clichés, including the bad stuff".

I guess you weren't into hardcore to begin with, and you experienced the bad side of it :)

EDIT : edited my post million times
i like some of the music but i hate any kind of scene.

i feel you, and i wish people would care more about good bands and good music than scenes/genres whatever

and it goes for metalheads as well as hardcore dudes

regardless of the scene thing, i think Terror is an awesome band that puts out awesome music and insane live shows :)
Well the actions of few don't represent the whole, however, my venue hosts tons of metal shows, and the occasional hardcore show, and there may be one fight per every 15 or 20 metal shows, yet at hardcore shows there are fights every single show. I literally have never worked a hardcore show where there hasn't been a fight.

I guess it is the "few assholes" that have quite literally ruined this genre of music for me

and the only time I have watched bands break a venue's equipment, like as in intentionally destroy it, have been at hardcore shows. I watched a singer for a hardcore band find a weak spot in the stage and he thought it would be cool to put his foot through it and throw a big piece of the stage out in the crowd.. and these guys wonder why they can't find venues to host their shows (at least in my city there are a lot of places that won't book them)

same shit like with those assholes in that band KING that were setting the stage on fire that I read about.. why is it that hardcore can be so blatantly disrespectful? and saying "that's what the music is all about, not taking shit from anyone" is not an excuse to me...
Well the actions of few don't represent the whole, however, my venue hosts tons of metal shows, and the occasional hardcore show, and there may be one fight per every 15 or 20 metal shows, yet at hardcore shows there are fights every single show. I literally have never worked a hardcore show where there hasn't been a fight.

I guess it is the "few assholes" that have quite literally ruined this genre of music for me

and the only time I have watched bands break a venue's equipment, like as in intentionally destroy it, have been at hardcore shows. I watched a singer for a hardcore band find a weak spot in the stage and he thought it would be cool to put his foot through it and throw a big piece of the stage out in the crowd.. and these guys wonder why they can't find venues to host their shows (at least in my city there are a lot of places that won't book them)

same shit like with those assholes in that band KING that were setting the stage on fire that I read about.. why is it that hardcore can be so blatantly disrespectful? and saying "that's what the music is all about, not taking shit from anyone" is not an excuse to me...

sorry to read this, i guess you really experienced the worst of the hardcore audience and bands...

Where is it you're working exactly (city, venue) ?

Hardcore has been kind of "trendy" again in the past few years for some reason, and i guess trends bring a lot of assholes and stupid attitudes, both from audience members and bands.
The new breed of hardcore is some kind of revival with all the crazy stage-diving with stomping heads like you see in that video (note : i have nothing against stage diving, just the stomp on your head thing), and i guess there's some kind of thing in the air where people want to be "rock'n'roll" and feel like trashing stuff and not care is cool... which i think is stupid and i hate that. They're trying to recreate the old age of hardcore where shows were really fucked-up and dangerous and wild (which kind of made sense at the time and can be explained for).
From my experience, in Europe (well at least in Paris) we don't get much of the bad stuff (or at least it's always petty/minor and not serious). And over here we either have big bills in pro venues (see my next paragraph) or samll DIY shows where bands wouldn't dare fuck the equipment up or they could never play in the venue again, who might be run by a hardcore fan anyway.

I don't remember any of the main major hardcore bands from today (madball, sick of it all, terror, agnostic front, wisdom in chains, ...) breaking gear onstage or acting disrecpectful. They're mostly chill guys and professionals and do this for a living and like their gear and want people to have a good time and come back and leave a positive impression out of the show (i'm not saying some of them do not come from a dangerous background or something though :) ).
I think most of the shitty stuff you saw from bands was from small to medium-sized young bands who think they're black flag in the 80's or some shit.

EDIT : in this This Is Hardcore festival you see in that video, the spirit is mostly to have a killer bill of legendary and upcoming bands, and while people might go nuts and stage dive like crazy and stomp heads and so on, there is plenty of space to "dance" without annoying everyone in the house and breaking gear/furniture, and the organizer (joe hardcore) has been in hardcore for a while and grown out of the fights/drama/crew b.s/unnecessary violence and tries to preserve the fun and break any fights and anybody/any situation that gets out of hand.

I kind of summarized things and made them simpler than they are (like the new breed of hardcore thing for instance), but you get my point.
Well the actions of few don't represent the whole, however, my venue hosts tons of metal shows, and the occasional hardcore show, and there may be one fight per every 15 or 20 metal shows, yet at hardcore shows there are fights every single show. I literally have never worked a hardcore show where there hasn't been a fight.

I guess it is the "few assholes" that have quite literally ruined this genre of music for me

and the only time I have watched bands break a venue's equipment, like as in intentionally destroy it, have been at hardcore shows. I watched a singer for a hardcore band find a weak spot in the stage and he thought it would be cool to put his foot through it and throw a big piece of the stage out in the crowd.. and these guys wonder why they can't find venues to host their shows (at least in my city there are a lot of places that won't book them)

same shit like with those assholes in that band KING that were setting the stage on fire that I read about.. why is it that hardcore can be so blatantly disrespectful? and saying "that's what the music is all about, not taking shit from anyone" is not an excuse to me...

I feel you on this. I don't go to hardcore shows anymore because there's always so much drama. I went to TONS from about 98 to 2005. I lived in Salt Lake at the time, and the scene there was RIDICULOUSLY violent. Every single show. Fights. I've been in full on riots at hardcore shows where the venue gets trashed and windows are smashed, fires started and cops called. Wasn't ever my thing. I just sat in the back and watched the bands, then just started going to metal shows instead. I'd be all alone watching Dimmu Borgir and all my friends would be at a Grimlock show beating everyone up. Pass.
I feel you on this. I don't go to hardcore shows anymore because there's always so much drama. I went to TONS from about 98 to 2005. I lived in Salt Lake at the time, and the scene there was RIDICULOUSLY violent. Every single show. Fights. I've been in full on riots at hardcore shows where the venue gets trashed and windows are smashed, fires started and cops called. Wasn't ever my thing. I just sat in the back and watched the bands, then just started going to metal shows instead. I'd be all alone watching Dimmu Borgir and all my friends would be at a Grimlock show beating everyone up. Pass.


i've heard stories but i thought they were some one-off events

hopefully it's not like that over here in Europe, and for some reason it seems to be like that only in some certain big cities/areas in the States (i guess the trend element + amount of people in the area + gangs/crew mentality can make a bad combination maybe ?)
Too many wanna-be tough guy, show boating losers in this.

I'm a fan of stage dives and crowd surfing for fun but this continual need to run across the front of the stage every 2 seconds only to jump on the floor on the other side is hell lame.

Never got into these guys either but I just generally don't dig the tough guy stuff most the time. If punk/hardcore fans were looked at like a highschool this scene would be the jocks.
Too many wanna-be tough guy, show boating losers in this.

I'm a fan of stage dives and crowd surfing for fun but this continual need to run across the front of the stage every 2 seconds only to jump on the floor on the other side is hell lame.

Never got into these guys either but I just generally don't dig the tough guy stuff most the time. If punk/hardcore fans were looked at like a highschool this scene would be the jocks.

I can understand how the continual stage running and stage diving may be annoying to the audience and certain people, but that doesn't explain the violence and big fights IMO.

On the other hand, this following thing you said might be one part of the explanation for the violence/fights : "Too many wanna-be tough guy, show boating losers in this"
But i guess there is something else as well (since there might be tons of wanna be tough guys in Europe too, but surprisingly we have less violence), which is specific to the USA (or at least those places where the bad shit happens) and i wished there was somebody who had a better idea/clue than us that could enlighten us...

EDIT : maybe the simple explanation is : a bigger territory with way more people, and a way more violent culture and as a result way more actual violence in general (compared to Europe for instance) i guess ? So the "hardcore" "scene" which already carries some kind of violence in a way, even in Europe, carries even more violence in the States ? Dunno.
(when i say "a culture more violent" and "as a result more actual violence", i mean like in the school shootings for instance)
Didn't know the thread would go that far, but that's not totally OT so let's keep the discussion going :)

My OP was mostly aimed at saying "hey check out this awesome band with awesome music that puts on a killer show", and not turn into a "you hate hardcore because XXXX" thing :)
Too many wanna-be tough guy, show boating losers in this.

I'm a fan of stage dives and crowd surfing for fun but this continual need to run across the front of the stage every 2 seconds only to jump on the floor on the other side is hell lame.

Never got into these guys either but I just generally don't dig the tough guy stuff most the time. If punk/hardcore fans were looked at like a highschool this scene would be the jocks.


Get your backpacks on and start picking up quarters!!