people seriously confuse me

I can honestly say, I am a fan of everything Moonspell has put out. There's somethinf on every CD I find to be amazing, but I was really blown away by The Butterfly Effect. Darkness and Hope and The Antidote sort of took the Butterfly elements and re-introduced some "older" elements of the band, and I think it worked perfectly. This band always continues to impress me.
I too really like Moonspell as a whole, but I think their more recent albums are superior to their older ones. "The Antidote" is probably the album of theirs I've listened to the most consistently and thoroughly, because I think they've struck a perfect balance now with their songwriting, combining those newer and older elements, like Paul said. Moonspell are a good band who also don't quite get their due respect, at least not in this country.
Moonspell is one of the only bands that I own the entire catalogue of - I feel there is something "must have" about each. I have my favorite albums, Wolfheart and The Antidote oddly enough. I've seen them live 3 times, each time the audience reaction was just baffling to me. I think there were the most Moonspell fans at The Backroom in Austin. The first time I saw them, with COF and Type O in Ft. Worth, I believe it was myself and maybe 15 other people anywhere near the stage, and like 5 of us singing along. Of course we were the only ones there above the age of 20. At the Dallas show with Opeth, there were maybe 25 of us at the front, no one else was paying attention. It really amazes me they don't get a huge reaction here, I've been a big fan for years, they're a huge band in my mind. It's a damn shame their talent doesn't get them the respect they deserve, all of their releases are incredible.
I was fortunate to come to love Moonspell back when Wolfheart was first released. They are my favorite band second only to Type O Negative, and IMHO are one of the most underrated bands in existance. Believe me, I don't understand either why people say Sin/Pecado is their worst album. That album is one of my favorites and has so much to offer the listener if they should give the songs the chance to open up. There's just so much substance to their material that I think the casual fan just isn't patient enough to pick up on. Root is indeed one of Fernando's favorite bands (good ear Kleo). I'm just anxious as all hell for their DVD to be coming out and for their next release and tour. My girl is friends with the band and one of their tour managers so I'll be getting the chance to hang with the guys for a bit. All she keep saying is how they are genuinely cool people and she's told me many amusing stories of her and her brother hanging with the guys; I'm psyched.
Darkness and Hope was indeed a fantastic release. Some 'diehards' of their old sound criticized it for being too popish. Simply put: those songs were very well written and thus should not be confused with being popish.
Well I cannot speak for them but I can tell you guys that Fernando and company are very disappointed at how things have turned out for them on recent tours. They've tried and tried but cannot seem to make touring the U.S. really work out beneficially for them, it seems. I have a feeling that unless something changes, we won't be seeing Moonspell on these shores again any time soon....which is a major fucking bummer, because they're one of the FEW bands I actually give a crap about going to see on tour anymore. And, needless to say, I'd love to actually get the opportunity to tour with them as well. So as corny as it might sound, maybe you guys who really dig them should drop them some emails or post on their forum and let them know they're truly appreciated over here, because I know that when we've spoken to the Moonspell guys, they've been pretty bummed about the U.S. situation.
I can say first hand that they made several new fans while their stints here. So long as they aren't losing money on their tours here, they may do well in working on the US scene a little bit longer, especially since Viva La Bam's been airing clips of their songs in the background of the show. It takes some a few listens to really get Moonspell, and I think if they persist, eventually they'll stick to people. I dunno...maybe a tour with HIM could really get them going. Anyway, the last time I tried messaging Fernando via his account on the Moonspell Bulletin Board, his account was full. He has been back home from their latest tour with CoF and was on the boards so I may try again, or I'll just leave a question in the Virtual Interviews section.
lol I called you today, ended up talking with your woman, you were pumping ass. i mean gas. anyway, I missed your call back. I'll call you in the am-ish. Are you going to metalfest? I say screw night 1 and come see us with cryptopsy and party all night long.

I don't understand how 'fans' can wish their favorite bands to be what they once were. Time passes, things happen, and bands progress.

Moonspell is one of my favorites; and what I find so unique and entertaining about them is the fact that each offering is different from the last. And...usually better. I prefer the newer stuff over the old.

Butterfly Effect is my favorite. ;)

:wave: Dan and Kleo706
I got "The Antidote" the other day, and fuck, it's awesome! I don't know why I didn't check these guys out before...what's a good album to get after this? My buddy said everything they do is pretty different from each other, so I am lost!
I have been a huge fan of Moonspell for many years, I think I have everything back as far as (one of?) the demo(s?).

Wolfheart has always been my favourite, but I love most of them. I must admit that I have not given the later ones as much time as the early ones, but that is more down to available time and the rate that my collection has grown (I just don't have the time to play any one album as much as I used to).

A fantastic live band, seen them a few times in the UK over the years.

I think the sound is certainly more accessible these days, so to a lot of people that like to make a big deal of being on the bandwagon early on, they are going to criticise the later releases... bloody elitists everywhere these days. Half of them probably weren't into the band back then and are just trying to appear as if they were.
Yes, they definitely put on an excellent show. I finally got to see them here. One of the very few live performances I've seen that you can actually 'feel' their music coming from them. It's something I will always remember. :cool:
I'm sure that there are some who would be interested in reading this, a question I posed to Fernando:


As of late, Moonspell have no doubt gotten some attention in the US via Viva La Bam, and there have been many that I've seen getting turned onto your music or have at least gotten curious to hear more. I also understand that Moonspell tours haven't been financially beneficial and thus any possible future tours here may be questionable at the moment. I would like to know if you agree to this, or if you prefer, do you see reason in Moonspell persisting on the US soil and working on softening the US listeners? Thank you and the best of wishes and luck on all endeavours.



It is true that Moonspell sound and aesthetics have not been able to penetrate through the tough skin of the American Metal scene as well as other bands and purposals. Yet this is not a reason to give up and we refuse to turn our face away from all the fans we gained and mantained there throughout the years. Those are not to be neglected. We toured quite often the States with the last album to divided response especially on the Opeth/DD tour. Besides all the US is a great country to tour and not all was dark and depressive to us and i do hope that even if there is not another single soul converted there is a still a future for us and our fans as anonymous soul mates.

To conclude if we do it there we will do it through our music since i fail to see any characteristic in Moonspell that belongs to a certain star system that still rules over the US scene.