Perfect band for a future oddball spot.

...and who are they? :err: ... (Zod beat me to it)

sorry, but whoever they are I found this video to be less than entertaining. *shrug*


Check out their myspace:

They are freakin' awesome ... imagine Metallica, VolBeat and a country band joining forces ... it's like what the soundtrack for Young Guns should have been like :)

We've discussed this band on the forum before, but it's been a year or so. I've heard some of their studio cuts before, so this live cut really doesn't do the band justice.

I don't have a problem with the band's name, because they have that western/hard rock vibe happening. Pretty cool in my opinion.

They have a new album out. But I can't find anywhere but Amazon.

But Ken Golden also indicated that AFM records will cost a lot in US dollars due the falling value of it. Sigh. I'll have to wait till they get a US distributor.