Performance ideas


New Metal Member
Mar 11, 2007
Alright, so i was approached the other day and asked if i wanted to play at the end of the school year party deal (we call it "picnic day"). They set aside time for everyone to come and watch the "musicians" from our school play. After I said yes, I realized "What am I going to play?" So here I am on the Opeth forum asking all you fellow metalheads a question. Any song ideas for me to play? or maybe excirpts from various songs thrown together (all of the same key of course), or possibly writing a song ( thinking along the lines of G harmonic Major, D Harmonic Major...etc,etc). Oh yeah this will be played on the guitar, I can't vary easily play the piano and guitar at the same time haha. So, please, If you could throw some ideas out there for me to process i would greatly appreciate it, thank you.

If you dont want to offend anyone (since people at schools usually suck)
go w/ harvest and make sure you have 2 acoustics (maybe even a 12string just to have an innovative touch on the song)
one problem, it's only me playing. Like you said ppl at schools usually suck, and at my school THEY DO lol. but maybe if i could find some good backing tracks. or i guess i would have to make one.
my fault...i have short attention span harvest anyway
basic chords throughout the song that are repetitive
as long as you get the solo down and have a BETTER voice than
mikael's...than you should be fine
ive played that song for hippie dudes and they loved it
and ive played it for my old man and he says it sounds "70's"
a highly likeable song no matter what age
id go with it
lol i can't sing ahaha, the solo would't be a problem. hmm maybe i could find a vocalist.
Yeah really. Fuck people that can't appreciate musicianship just because they don't like the music.
Doing a medley would probably be best because Opeth songs tend to run a little long (in case you didn't know). Just play a minute or two of your favorite parts of songs and just switch, or make up an ending that fits, pause, and start another part. I really doubt people will care if you only play an acoustic part of Black Rose Immortal.
Play what you want, fuck offending people.

Agreed. In my Computers Applications class for a power point presentation I used the song "Slit Your Guts" by Cryptopsy, I didn't care what everyone thought.

But...if you are going to play by yourself I recommend an easy requiem or something.
if you wanna play what ppl want to hear then play pop music. Opeth probably isn't your best bet there... and neither is a lot of metal in the first place. Stick with chilli peppers or fall out boy.. youd make a lot of friends playing that bullshit
if you wanna play what ppl want to hear then play pop music. Opeth probably isn't your best bet there... and neither is a lot of metal in the first place. Stick with chilli peppers or fall out boy.. youd make a lot of friends playing that bullshit
Fuck that shit!
you'll make friends, yes...but do you want fake friends
do whatever song YOU feel comfortable with
if you do a song by fall out gay that you hate...your performance will blow
At my first thing like this I just played everything I liked... usually cut down the amount of times the riff is repeated because it gets annoying without vocals. Anyways, just play what you enjoy, theres bound to be one or two people that love the same music, and you might even get a crowd going. Just be ready for some idiot to ask you to play a "screaming solo"... And dont forget to play Master's Apprentices. People that enjoy metal will appreciate that. ;)