
Jan 4, 2007
Hey dudes and dudettes!
We got the best early Chrismachanukwanzaa present ever!!

We finally found a singer!!
His name is Chris Barretto and his vocal chord talents make us all strangely moist and happy where the pampers is!
We saw him perform with his band "Lamps Burning" when we shared the stage at our last show on our last tour at Dingbatz in Clifton NJ and he just blew us away so we asked him to audition!

We are so excited about this for many obvious reasons because now we can play shows as a full lineup again and we can finally start working on our full length, which if all goes well should be out by spring 2009!! Orbo is going to track LIVE DRUMS for the album with Mark Lewis in early January, and we will actually be going to Casey's to record vocals!

Anyways we have a new version of Light uploaded with Chris's vocals so that you can hear him in action, and we are so excited about writing the vocals for the rest of the album now that we have him onboard!

Also in other news we have just stocked up on shirts in both designs, so order away and wear them to shows, word on the street is that members of the opposite sex will find you unbearably attractive and probably try to make raep to you, but thanks to the superhuman strength the shirt will also offer you, you will easily be able to fend off any foes/unwanted sex partners!

Anyways you can check the song out here on myspace: (the first song on the player)
or on soundclick at

I hope you guys enjoy it because we are all really excited and relieved that the search is finally over!

I really like the singers voice. Congratulations!
Also, I believe "Light" is by far periphery's best song.
I really wish I had a drummer for my band that could play that stuff.
This guy is totally capable and I'm excited for you guys, but I still have a thing for Casey's voice...

I also think a little more delay/ambience at times on the vocal track for "Light" would provide that little extra emotional push for me, but I know you weren't looking for mix input in the first place! I'm really liking how he's continued the atypical vocal harmony layering thing that Casey started. Was that Chris' doing or did you guys help guide him in that direction?
Misha, as I said before, if you need any help, let me know, ok? Sounds awesome, and if I can help the awesomeness to be more awesomely awesome, I'm there. :)
God I fucking hate these college macs.
I'm absolutely gagging to listen to this and it's not working. A whole hour and 5 minutes before College finishes too D:
thanks so much guys!!

This guy is totally capable and I'm excited for you guys, but I still have a thing for Casey's voice...

I also think a little more delay/ambience at times on the vocal track for "Light" would provide that little extra emotional push for me, but I know you weren't looking for mix input in the first place! I'm really liking how he's continued the atypical vocal harmony layering thing that Casey started. Was that Chris' doing or did you guys help guide him in that direction?

actually one of the reasons that we were so psyched about Chris is because he is he has no "Lead Singer Disease", our bassist Tom wrote the lyrics and him and I wrote the melody lines, and Chris was totally cool with singing them. He tried some ideas of his own and made it sound even better, and tom and i wrote the harmonies as well. In this band we really dont care who does what so long as it yields the best result, and we needed to find a singer who could deal with other band members writing vocals parts and whatnot. The cool thing is that Chris's ideas are in the same vein of what we write, so working on new songs is going to be fun!
Misha, as I said before, if you need any help, let me know, ok? Sounds awesome, and if I can help the awesomeness to be more awesomely awesome, I'm there. :)

aw Jocke, you are too kind! if you have any suggestions or ideas or whatever please tell me because i really do value what you have to say!
Sounds great man! On another note man i was just curious, did you record the band called Chyme? They are our label mates and i think you guys have played shows together as well.