Personality test (with poll options)

What personality type are you?

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Funny but I disagree, there's clearly some directions in that test, for example that I have problems
with authorities and such (among many other factors) that you could not assume by the route I clicked...

I do believe the human figure is too complex to be summarized in just like 5 questions but yet they give you
enough options to show diversity.

Let's not forget the idealist part :D

And don't take this test too serious :lol:
mine was IT (Independent Thinker) and I work in IT (Information Technology) :-P

very un-precise test though, the human being is far more complex than two-side personalities. I don't agree with the test methodology (and thus I confirm the test results XD)

PD: My job is so boring...

It was very hard, because it seemed there was a lot on both questions (each page) that I agreed with.