Persuader - When Eden Burns

Thanks, folks -- I just ordered the Hunter and When Eden Burns.

I am a longtime Blind Guardian fan and Britt introduced me to Persuader at short time back (was it the Chicago PowerFest?)... I picked up Evolution Purgatory right after the show and it's incredible!

Britt, this is Dave -- one of Ed's friends...

Okay ... cool !! I think I now recall you mentioning that screename, Dave. I'm glad you are digging that Persuader stuff !! Me and Pat have been digging them a lot over the past couple years.

Well, I told the truth when I said I was a lurker. According to the info next to my screen name, this is my 11th post since 9/03. (And half of them have been since yesterday.)

Burnout said:
Communic's new album is up there as well
During my 2nd or 3rd listen, I had a good feeling about the Communic disc. However, I was still unsure if it warranted purchase. However, after my last listen, I just don't see myself revisiting it. The music is well done, but the vocals, lyrics and melodies leave me apathetic.

General Zod said:
During my 2nd or 3rd listen, I had a good feeling about the Communic disc. However, I was still unsure if it warranted purchase. However, after my last listen, I just don't see myself revisiting it. The music is well done, but the vocals, lyrics and melodies leave me apathetic.


I'm not entirely sure how to respond to that statement. I've thought about it and what you mentioned (vocals and melodies specifically) as leaving you apathetic are a large part of what I find appealing in Waves of Visual Decay.

I've read numerous reviews comparing Stensland's vocals to Warrel Dane, but I cannot help but feel that Stensland's performance on the new Communic album is above and beyond anything Dane has done up to this point. I found Stensland's vocal performance to be varied and emotional. I can't recall any instances that seemed forced or poorly delivered on his part.

I can go on making vague generalizations about various album characteristics but I don't think that's at all necessary. Needless to say it may well be a matter of differing tastes, but I found the album thoroughly enjoyable and I've revisted regularly since I picked up last month.


Back on topic --> Has anyone had the chance to hear the bonus track "Alight the Heavens"?
Burnout said:
I'm not entirely sure how to respond to that statement. I've thought about it and what you mentioned (vocals and melodies specifically) as leaving you apathetic are a large part of what I find appealing in Waves of Visual Decay.
Different strokes, for different folks.

Burnout said:
I've read numerous reviews comparing Stensland's vocals to Warrel Dane, but I cannot help but feel that Stensland's performance on the new Communic album is above and beyond anything Dane has done up to this point. I found Stensland's vocal performance to be varied and emotional. I can't recall any instances that seemed forced or poorly delivered on his part.
Don't get me wrong, he's a good singer. And in respect to pure ability, he's probably better than Warrell at this point in their respective careers. That said, I find nothing compelling or interesting about Stensland's vocal.

BurnoutNeedless to say it may well be a matter of differing tastes said:
It's clear to see why people would enjoy it. However, in the end, it comes down to the songs, and the songs just don't grab me.

*waits anxiously for delivery of 'Waves of Visual Decay' from CDInzane*

that being said, let me also state that once I get some of these latest cd purchases paid for, I'll be ordering the Persuader cd everyone's ranting and raving about.

Communic is one of those bands that takes me several listens to really, really get into. I know it's pretty good stuff on first listen, but it takes me several spins to really get it. The debut took me quite a while to get into, but it went on to crack my top 10 last year. I think the new one will probably work it's way steadily up my top 10 this year.

Well, last night the Persuader CDs showed up. (I already owned Evolution Purgatory, so I just ordered the Hunter and When Eden Burns.)

My initial reaction was "it's alright." Then I played it again much louder and my new reaction was "this rocks!"

Really digging the new Persuader - nothing innovative, but it's BG style power metal done extremely well. Every now and then a band pops up and releases something that reminds me I still have a taste for straight up power metal - Persuader is one of those bands. Worlds better than Dark Empire, who I find extremely generic.