PETA angered by naked chicken :)

Ironically my parents were subscribed to the PETA magazine but would constantly eat meat. My dad would grill steaks, burgers, ribs and brauts all for the same feast.

I pointed this out to them and they explained they were all for the kind treatment of dogs and cats. Cows and pigs apparently could go screw themselves.

They also oppose all hunting. Which also makes zero sense.
You've automatically invalidated your point by comparing human slavery to meating (sic!) meat.

Much the same as PETA invalidate their own arguments by comparing farms to the holocaust.

I'm comparing the slavery of human animals to the slavery of non-human animals. By the way, you may wanna read up the difference between equation and analogy.

Also, I don't see what's your problem with that.

Ironically my parents were subscribed to the PETA magazine but would constantly eat meat. My dad would grill steaks, burgers, ribs and brauts all for the same feast.

I pointed this out to them and they explained they were all for the kind treatment of dogs and cats. Cows and pigs apparently could go screw themselves.

They also oppose all hunting. Which also makes zero sense.

Yep, that's just the way most people are. Cute kitties and puppies have the luck to enjoy a special status in our speciesist society.
People have really weird views on this; "moral schizophrenia" - hunting is bad, eating meat is ok. Fur is bad, leather is ok. Dogfighting is bad, using non-human animals for other entertainment purposes (such as eating them) is ok etc.

Oh, by the way: Sorry OP, but:

If this is inappropriate in this thread, I would be up for further discussion via PM (if anyone has the desire ;) ).
I say kill them all and eat them if you want. Morals be damned. I'm in the mood for a genocide. We should also kill all the Christians and feed them to the Africans.
We should also kill all the Christians and feed them to the Africans.


I had animal for breakfast today, gonna have animal for lunch and in between I will supplement myself with the lactate of animal.

They say you are what you eat, and that makes sense to me cos I'm a fucking animal.
@ ruonitb: What part of my very first statement...."Okay, now...this isn't mean to devolve into one of the many vegan/vegetarian vs. meat eaters fights that we have from time to time around here. We all know where most of us stand from previous threads, and we aren't going to change anyone's minds. Okay? Okay.".....did you not understand? You sir, are a complete dimwit...just like most bleeding heart twats. Kindly excuse yourself from my thread, since you could not honor my request. Dipshit. Now...go fuck yourself and stay out of my threads.
@ ruonitb: What part of my very first statement...."Okay, now...this isn't mean to devolve into one of the many vegan/vegetarian vs. meat eaters fights that we have from time to time around here. We all know where most of us stand from previous threads, and we aren't going to change anyone's minds. Okay? Okay.".....did you not understand? You sir, are a complete dimwit...just like most bleeding heart twats. Kindly excuse yourself from my thread, since you could not honor my request. Dipshit. Now...go fuck yourself and stay out of my threads.

Oh, thanks for being so kind. I forgot that this is the internet - where the smart people gather.

I wasn't the first one to post something OT by the way; following your logic, everyone who participated in the discussion and responded to my OT posts has to be banned from your threads.
Animals eat other animals for food. Humans have just mastered the industry of raising animals for their own food. The best medium is organic free range animals for slaughter, an industry I whole heartedly support. I love animal products but I'd like to think my meat taste better, palette and conscience wise, when the animal didn't suffer a miserable caged life.
Oh, thanks for being so kind. I forgot that this is the internet - where the smart people gather.

I wasn't the first one to post something OT by the way; following your logic, everyone who participated in the discussion and responded to my OT posts has to be banned from your threads.

No, but you continue to preach, instigate, and lecture. This was meant to be a FUNNY thread, but you take it as an uninvited opportunity to preach your idiotic views. No one else as to be "banned" from my threads. I like them. I don't like you. ;) Now excuse me, I've wasted enough of my Saturday morning with you. I have my family to enjoy. By the way...I just finished cooking a salami sandwich, and French onion soup, which we all made from liquified cow. Yummy.
Until some sort of quality meat substitute is invented, meat is too important a part of our diet to exclude. Yes you can get protein from other sources. No, I don't think vegetarianism is healthy, and I sure as fuck don't think a vegan diet is good for you.

genuinely curious - are you opposed to hunting (for food, not for sport)?
No, but you continue to preach, instigate, and lecture. This was meant to be a FUNNY thread, but you take it as an uninvited opportunity to preach your idiotic views. No one else as to be "banned" from my threads. I like them. I don't like you. ;) Now excuse me, I've wasted enough of my Saturday morning with you. I have my family to enjoy.

Well, now you are just being inconsistent.

By the way...I just finished cooking a salami sandwich, and French onion soup, which we all made from liquified cow. Yummy.

You showed me.
@ ruonitb: What part of my very first statement...."Okay, now...this isn't mean to devolve into one of the many vegan/vegetarian vs. meat eaters fights that we have from time to time around here. We all know where most of us stand from previous threads, and we aren't going to change anyone's minds. Okay? Okay.".....did you not understand? You sir, are a complete dimwit...just like most bleeding heart twats. Kindly excuse yourself from my thread, since you could not honor my request. Dipshit. Now...go fuck yourself and stay out of my threads.

Where's the "fighting"? I was reading a more worthwhile discussion until you posted this. Oh, I see you edited your post.

Also, I don't understand why some of you are trying to get a rise out of ruontib by saying, "hey, I just ate some delicious meat" or something similar. I mean, how unimaginative can you possible be?
genuinely curious - are you opposed to hunting (for food, not for sport)?

But that's because I don't see any difference between hunting for sports and hunting for food. It's both for entertaining purposes; i.e., you like the taste of meat, but you certainly don't need it to survive.

In a hypothetical scenario where you would starve to death if you didn't kill another being, it would be morally justified of course.

By the way, wether being vegan is healthy or not is not really a matter of opinion. And statistics don't really support the claim that the diet practised by the majority is inherently healthy.
Though, that's not because meat or other animal products are unhealthy in general, it's rather because people enjoy to eat huge amounts of crap.
But that's because I don't see any difference between hunting for sports and hunting for food. It's both for entertaining purposes; i.e., you like the taste of meat, but you certainly don't need it to survive.

In a hypothetical scenario where you would starve to death if you didn't kill another being, it would be morally justified of course.

By the way, wether being vegan is healthy or not is not really a matter of opinion. And statistics don't really support the claim that the diet practised by the majority is inherently healthy.
Though, that's not because meat or other animal products are unhealthy in general, it's rather because people enjoy to eat huge amounts of crap.

1) You don't 'need' meat to survive, but you do need it to have a full and proper diet. Physiologically, our stomachs, mouths and digestive system have evolved TO EAT MEAT. Comparing our systems to a herbivore and we're severely lacking in certain departments (I don't remember the details atm) - we're much more similar to carnivores/omnivores.

2) Where do you draw the line then? Is it 'morally wrong' to let carnivores in the zoo eat meat - should we provide them with some substitute that will let them 'survive', however far we can stretch that definition? Do we have a moral obligation to stop all animals devouring other animals, and feed them ourselves with grains?
Or do we accept that suffering and death are a natural and important part of life and trying to circumvent them is pointless and counter-productive? I'm not saying I agree with caging hundreds of thousands of animals up that never see the light of day in order to feed us - but I don't see why this has to be a black and white thing, which is what you seem to want it to be.
I don't eat meat and still you people annoy me. Let people eat what they want. There are bigger problems in the world, like Christians. Look at the Texas school situation and the burning of both adults and children in Africa. I would love nothing more to see the starving get fed with tons of meat. At least they get to eat.

Being vegan is a huge pain in the ass and requires more money. You have to be very careful or else you get sic. It sucks. I can understand why most people wouldn't put up with it.
Vegetarianism and veganism CAN work if you have an idea about nutrition and how to supplement correctly for vitamin and mineral deficiencies to make up for what you're not getting. There's definitely quite a few successful vegetarian bodybuilders and powerlifters out there and quite probably many in other sports.

Most people in general, vegetarian or not, just don't have a fucking clue what they're doing when it comes to nutrition which is why vegetarianism and especially veganism just tends to end up being full of fail for many people.
I speak to quite a few vegans (yes, females) that talk about "humans are not meant to eat meat" and all that crap, but funny how they're constantly complaining about getting sick, having cold viruses that last like 2 weeks, while I rarely get sick, and if I do get something like a cold, it's gone in 3 days.
They're just so deficient in some vitamins and dietary minerals, as well as sometimes extremely lacking in saturated fat (which contrary to what many people believe, is actually quite good for you and quite essential for us) and other various healthy fats.
Also the point about protein too. Going full vegan severely limits your choices of complete protein sources to eat.
I'll go out on a limb and say 99 per cent of the public don't understand the concept of amino acid profiles in food.
Again, deficiencies in various amino acids is quite terrible for the health.
The general lack of protein consumption of course also leads to poor body composition (no surprise all these girls I talk too have high bodyfat percentage levels) and physical weakness (and yep, they talk about how weak they are and feel).

I would only recommend a vegan diet to someone that has a very sound understanding of nutrition.
If you don't have a good understanding, just don't go there and spare me the rant about the 'ethics' and 'morals' behind veganism to try to justify doing it, because quite frankly I don't give a shit. The health side of it is the only part that interests me in any way.
If you're too fucking stupid to do the research to implement a vegan diet in an effective and healthy way, you're probably going to be too fucking retarded to put forward a good argument for going/being vegan anyway (the 'morals' and 'ethics')
1) You don't 'need' meat to survive, but you do need it to have a full and proper diet. Physiologically, our stomachs, mouths and digestive system have evolved TO EAT MEAT. Comparing our systems to a herbivore and we're severely lacking in certain departments (I don't remember the details atm) - we're much more similar to carnivores/omnivores.

I never claimed that human animals are herbivores. We are omnivores, that's the current state-of-the-art of science.
Still, it's not necessary to eat meat or any other animal product to get all nutrients/micronutrients we need.
Egg and whey are better protein sources than any meat by the way. ;)

2) Where do you draw the line then? Is it 'morally wrong' to let carnivores in the zoo eat meat - should we provide them with some substitute that will let them 'survive', however far we can stretch that definition? Do we have a moral obligation to stop all animals devouring other animals, and feed them ourselves with grains?
Or do we accept that suffering and death are a natural and important part of life and trying to circumvent them is pointless and counter-productive? I'm not saying I agree with caging hundreds of thousands of animals up that never see the light of day in order to feed us - but I don't see why this has to be a black and white thing, which is what you seem to want it to be.

The lion who kills and eats the antilope isn't able to reflect his behaviour and has no free will (at least not in the sense we think we have one). He obviously can't choose between killing or not killing the antilope - we, on the other hand, can choose, what kind of products we consume.
In a world, where exploitation of non-human animals doesn't exist, there would be no zoos or pets that we would have to feed.
I can't think of any ethical methods to force all non-human animals who are actually carnivores to only consume synthetic- or plant-based products (not to mention that real carnivores can't survive on a pure plant-based diet).