I don't eat meat and still you people annoy me. Let people eat what they want. There are bigger problems in the world, like Christians. Look at the Texas school situation and the burning of both adults and children in Africa. I would love nothing more to see the starving get fed with tons of meat. At least they get to eat.
I'm always baffled when this comes up. What kind of equation is this? The more mother's milk from cows I don't drink, the more people starve in africa? The more people go vegan, the more children get burned? Does being vegan somehow make me unable to recognise other issues?
By the way, humans are a subset of animals, so in animal-rights, the human-rights are included by definiton.

Also, I hope you know that poor countries get exploited for their plant resources so we can breed and fatten animals, right? And you also know that the production of any animal product is extremely inefficient when looking at what you have to put in and what you get out, right?
If you are really concerned about this, then you better go vegan immediately if you don't want to look like a hypocrite (though, that people are starving is a problem of distribution and not quantity).
Being vegan is a huge pain in the ass and requires more money. You have to be very careful or else you get sic. It sucks. I can understand why most people wouldn't put up with it.
I disagree. I'm currently writing my doctoral thesis in mathematics and I'm studying philosopy. So trust me, I'm a student and I don't have a lot of time and money; yet my daily calorie intake lies in the 4000kcal area, which also come from around 150-200g of protein (I'm a hobby-bodybuilder

I don't lack anything, I have no deficiencies and I don't have more money than the average student.
I even know vegan powerlifters who only have 50€/month for food.
Harry Hughes said:I speak to quite a few vegans (yes, females) that talk about "humans are not meant to eat meat" and all that crap, but funny how they're constantly complaining about getting sick, having cold viruses that last like 2 weeks, while I rarely get sick, and if I do get something like a cold, it's gone in 3 days.
Let's be honest here - for every sick vegan you give me, I can easily give you over 100k sick non-vegans/non-vegetarians. It's not easy to be healthy on any diet.
The statistics speak for themselves. Just look at the amount of people who fall sick with diet and overall lifestyle related diseases (i.e. diseases of civilisation). The problem is that all those who think they are healthy now might turn sick later because of the diet they followed for decades. The baseline is that you have to plan your diet if you really want to make sure to be healthy.
Also, who are those people who create the demand for all the dietary/health supplements? Because there certainly is a demand. The way you put it, by choosing a vegan diet you are gonna be sick without in depth knowledge about nutrition and without the strong use of supplements, and by following the typical omnivore diet you are gonna be healthy without any problems.
Harry Hughes said:Also the point about protein too. Going full vegan severely limits your choices of complete protein sources to eat.
I'll go out on a limb and say 99 per cent of the public don't understand the concept of amino acid profiles in food.
Again, deficiencies in various amino acids is quite terrible for the health.
Not that this would be a problem on a vegan diet, but I guess you know that it's not necessary to consume all essential amino acids at one time in order to avoid a protein deficiency. Also, as far as I know, protein deficiency isn't really an issue in the countries we live in. I can't even imagine what one would've to eat on a vegan diet in order to develop a serious protein deficiency. Probably only apples...
Harry Hughes said:The general lack of protein consumption of course also leads to poor body composition (no surprise all these girls I talk too have high bodyfat percentage levels) and physical weakness (and yep, they talk about how weak they are and feel).
The general cliché is that vegans are skinny. So, that's nice for a change.

But let's be honest here again: you argue that because you've talked to some vegan girls, who you think are unhealthy because of their diet, an unplanned vegan-diet will lead to high body fat percentage, physical weakness and general unhealthiness. Come on, just check the obesity rates, check the statistics about preventable, lifestyle/diet-based diseases.
It's really not hard to find unhealthy, obese people (who aren't vegan).
I don't see how (with that in mind) you can still argue for an omnivore diet being unproblematic and healthy and doesn't need to planned.
But of course this can't be compared, since the healthy vegans are those who know a lot about nutrition and use a wide range of supplements in order to avoid deficiencies and the unhealthy ones are unhealthy because of their diet, right?

It's the same lose-lose situation as a vegan bodybuilder - if you look bad it's (of course) because of your vegan diet. If you look good, it's because you have extremely good genetics and/or use steroids (also, you would look even better if you ate meat and other animal products).
Look, I'm not saying that a vegan diet is healthier in general. I say that a diet is healthy if it's planned - be it vegan, vegetarian or "omnivorous".