Pete Sandoval>Every other DM drummer

Who cares how good the drummers are in Nile or Dying Fetus, doesn't change the fact that the bands they are in suck.
Who cares how good the drummers are in Nile or Dying Fetus, doesn't change the fact that the bands they are in suck.

I'm impressed with how quickly you managed to pop into this thread and decimate any credibility you might have.
actually, he said pete>every other DM drummer. which would make him the best DM drummer. reading isn't your strong point.

in his current state? not a chance in hell. speak for yourself buddy.

in his prime? well I'd have to actually have a reason to play the drums that much, with no band I kinda don't care. and I'm not playing deathcore - which is all my local scene provides

not saying the man is the worst drummer in the world, but pete a.) didn't even come close to inventing the blast beat, and b.) isn't anything special.

Go fuck yourself. Buddy.

Man, Marco never gets enough credit. His work on Anomalous's latest is fucking ridiculous, but he gets shit because the most well-known vids are on electric kits and people are snobbish assholes about it.

Very true a lot of the videos on youtube of him actually would suggest that he's an amateur but the guy can seriously play. Alot of those videos are old anyways the were shot before any of the Braindrill stuff ever came out.
No one's saying he isn't one of the godfathers of DM drumming along with guys like Mike Smith, just that calling him better than EVERYONE else is way off-base.
For a 450lb man that plays in huge-ass boots on some 1980 Camco pedals with Danmar apple beaters, the dude is FAST.

At the 1:40 mark.... like I don't even know what's happening.
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