Peter Lindgren leaves Opeth


The doctor is in...
Apr 20, 2006


Peter Lindgren has stepped down from his guitar wielding duties after 16 years in Opeth. Below is an open letter from Peter addressing the issue:

"It is with sadness I announce that Opeth and I are going separate ways after almost 16 years. The decision has been the toughest I've ever made but it is the right one to make at this point in my life.

The reason behind this is that I feel that I simply have lost some of the enthusiasm and inspiration needed to participate in a band that has grown from a few guys playing the music we love to a world-wide industry. The love of music has always been, and still is, our motive, but I personally have lost something along the way. The massive amount of touring has taken its toll. Opeth has worked extremely hard to get where we are right now and in order to persist and maintain the quality of the music, it is necessary that we continue to work hard and always stay focused. But in doing so, it means that we nowadays spend 18 or 19 months on the road and I don't feel the same enthusiasm for the upcoming world tour that I have felt earlier. I have come to a point where I realize I won't be able to give the band 100%, and from both sides this will not be good enough for what Opeth stands for. I will always love playing, listening to, and living music, but I will do it differently from now on.

These years has easily been the best of my life and I will always cherish the memory of what we have experienced together. I would like to thank the band, our management, record label people, all the bands I've made friends with for everything. Most of all, I would like to thank the fans from the depth of my heart for the support throughout the years.

I wish Mikael, Martin, Per and Axe all the best and I am confident they will continue doing the greatest music in the world!! /Peter"


Fredrik Åkesson has been confirmed as being the new guitarist in Opeth. Visit his MySpace at:

Says Mikael Åkerfeldt: "Well, I think it's too soon right now to fully be able to explain what I feel. Peter and I had been working in this band together for almost half of our lives and we shared some unforgettable experiences together all over the world. We will obviously remain friends and this "break up" has been on very good terms from both sides. We all wish him the best of luck with his future ventures!

Fredrik was the only name that popped up thinking about a replacement for Peter. In my opinion he's one of the top 3 guitar players out of Sweden. We all get along great as we've known each other for maybe 4 years + he already has the experience to take on the circus-like lifestyle we lead as members of Opeth.

I can't wait to see what he can bring to the table musically and also to get out on the roads touring together. His first gig will be at the Ilosaari festival in Finland. I'm sure he'll shit his pants before that one, but then will I!"

I can't believe it, I never thought he'd leave. Oh well, maybe there's hope if the same thing happens with Fredrik in Arch Enemy.
I hope Opeth changes for the better. I loved deliverance but other than that I don't really crave their music.
Opeth's seems to be coming down with the 'megadethnightrageinflames' syndrome. Basically, all of their founding members drop like flies and only one founding member remains. It's a fairly uncommon disease, but when you get it, it sucks more than a black hole.
Opeth's seems to be coming down with the 'megadethnightrageinflames' syndrome. Basically, all of their founding members drop like flies and only one founding member remains. It's a fairly uncommon disease, but when you get it, it sucks more than a black hole.

I'd rather call it the Iced Earth syndrome! It should be called Jon Schaffer band instead! Sad news!
This was really sad. I do trust them to continue to make kickass music though, Mikael has always been the songwriter. I love all of their records and I think they won´t dissapoint.
bwahaha, from Blabbermouth:

!they signed RR, which mike decided, peter had no say in this and he despise RR because they are so commercial. gr was a shit album, they knew it but they gain more fans. he missed the mayh/still life/bwp days and i cant blaim him. and the new guy is a ex. arch enemy guitarist? i see where this is going now.."

One helluva tr00 martyr. :p
I'd just like to add that I can't judge the new Opeth until I actually "hear" where their music is going to, now.
Given that Mikael A is the band dictator, I doubt we'll notice any change in the music.

I just hope their next album shows them evolving, because musically they've stagnated ever since Still Life. Their first couple albums were very good because they had an independent-minded bassist who helped make things interesting musically.
And we care... why?
1) They can't suck more cos of this, fucking pointless guitar wanker.
2) Opeth has always sucked like a black hole, this pointless dude leaving changes absolutely nothing.
3) This is DT forum, Opeth wankers ---> that way
4) Chicken or not is a more important issue for me.