Peter Lindgren leaves Opeth (if anyone cares)

/\ LOL

Yeah, for the heck of it I was curious to see the thread yesterday and instead saw thread titles like "what Opeth song should play at your funeral", "does Opeth have any pets?", "Is Mike a Red Wings fan?" and then I basically left immediately.
/\ LOL

Yeah, for the heck of it I was curious to see the thread yesterday and instead saw thread titles like "what Opeth song should play at your funeral", "does Opeth have any pets?", "Is Mike a Red Wings fan?" and then I basically left immediately.

hahahaha you sum it up perfectly
More choice quotes:

I guess you mean Lopez. well, I've wondered and am still a little skeptical considering the story i've been told... but this guy I kinda know who's in the business said Lopez is a hardcore heroin addict, couldn't handle it anymore. and that Mike and Peter are cokeheads. so given that, I don't know. - Blabbermouth spammer on the loose in UM?

I just got out of the hospital with a gall bladder attack, and came home to my computer and this. I am not sure of which hurts worse. - Nice to see they aren't taking his departure too seriously.

And just because you're some "big bad senior" doesn't mean I'm just going to let you insult me like that. And no, I'm not retarted. If you want to find a retarted person, just look in the mirror And I love how no one even lists any good jazz makers. I guess that's because THERE IS NONE! Seriously, give me ONE, just ONE good jazz song. - ...And they're mature and have wide knowledge of music...
"And I love how no one even lists any good jazz makers. I guess that's because THERE IS NONE! Seriously, give me ONE, just ONE good jazz song"

Ha ha, fucksticks galore. I bet Peter read the fucking posts on the Opeth board and decided it would be better to be in any other band then be associated with that fucking shithaul of idiocy.
Ha ha, fucksticks galore. I bet Peter read the fucking posts on the Opeth board and decided it would be better to be in any other band then be associated with that fucking shithaul of idiocy.

yeah i could never deal with having a forum full of people like that devoted to my band. i would post and be like "guys... take a look in the mirror. what have you become?"
I entirely agree. Pathologically zealous fans in any format creep me out. I've talked to writers who have the sort of obsessive fan base and they are honestly creeped out by the notion. I mean, respect the artist, dig their work, even freely admit it moved you. But that kind of thing... damn.
Moonlapse isn't a mod anymore, now they've got someone who will ban anyone who says anything bad about the band.

To those who are trying to troll around for some sort of reaction by speculating about Mike driving the band into the ground, or Peter leaving because he doesn't like the "commercial, main stream Roadrunner" crap... or whatever... just shut it. Free speech and opinions are welcomed here, but I have every right and the power to regulate the level of respect and stupidity here and this is neither the time nor the place for such retardation. I hope I've made myself clear.

I'm pretty sure the "commercial, main stream Roadrunner crap" played a part in this.
I forgot about that asshole. There was also that Ninefeetunderground dork too. Worst forum ever.