Still Writes in Crayon
thank god they didn't, seeing as their first 2 albums blow ass compared to everything they did afterward
thank god they didn't, seeing as their first 2 albums blow ass compared to everything they did afterward
Ghost Reveries is underrated. I don't know why so many Opeth fans hate this album.
Because it sounds tacky and overproduced (Steven Wilson was sorely missed), because it contains some of the worst songs they've ever written (Beneath the Mire, The Grand Conjuration, Atonement), because they use the keyboards as a crutch, the atmospheres they used to create with just guitars and bass were much more interesting, because the melodic parts just aren't as interesting and overall it's just a more stale version of previous albums.
Having said that, I don't hate it, Ghost of Perdition is one of the best things they've ever written and the Baying of the Hounds and Isolation Years are also great, but there's a real inconsistency not present in any other album.
IMO Opeth reached the beginning of the end when Lopez left. For anyone who's watched the doco about the making of Deliverance and Damnation, you will know just how much influence he had in the band's work.
Opeth has nothing left to achieve, Mikael should call it a day and find a different project ie Bloodbath or his thing with Steven Wilson.
That'd be niceOpeth has nothing left to achieve, Mikael should call it a day and find a different project ie Bloodbath or his thing with Steven Wilson.
Opeth has nothing left to achieve, Mikael should call it a day and find a different project ie Bloodbath or his thing with Steven Wilson.
What 'fire'? lol I'm sick of reading about this so called "losing it's 'fire' or 'inspiration'" crap. I agree with The Ozzman: Ghost Reveries is underrated. Are you guys there in the recording process or something and actually able to 'feel' the "fire" and "inspiration"? are you spying on him while he's writing lyrics? lol do you know anything of their own specific process? I'm not trying to be a bitch and really challenge anyone just...putting it out there to think about. You can't really have an opinion about something like that that you aren't there to witness. Hearing the music is different. That doesn't include interaction with individual band members and watching how they put everything together.
If he needs a break i don't think that's our place to decide. i'm sure he'll take a break when he's good and ready and is able to. If he wants to keep writing then good for him, i say he's still got it.
Either you're a fan or you're not. You on the band wagon or not? You support the band or not? I get confused when people completely BASH one album with vulgar language and bad attitudes and then turn around and say the next one they put out is amazing and omgz can't wait to meet them at the next concert.
Come on, let's be realistic. If you can't tell the difference between a motivated band and one just running through the motions, something's wrong. Do I have to be in the studio to witnessing Nickelback to know that they suck? Maybe change your listening habits?
I'm not purporting to decide - it would be absurd to think the fans could decide anything. I'm a fan, this is a forum: I simply looked at the facts and drew a conclusion from them.
Anyone who supports a band unequivocally, unquestioningly and uncritically is retarded. I don't get why people are upset when someone says GR is crap compared with the early stuff, yet when to most of the early fans saying GR is better than Morningrise is insulting. Why is it politically correct to say a band has improved, and not the reverse?
Anyone who supports a band unequivocally, unquestioningly and uncritically is retarded. I don't get why people are upset when someone says GR is crap compared with the early stuff, yet when to most of the early fans saying GR is better than Morningrise is insulting. Why is it politically correct to say a band has improved, and not the reverse?
I fail to see how that is a personal attack. Seems like a reasoned response to me.
rules said:1) No Personal attacks!
This means that you criticize the argument, but not the man or woman making it. IOW you criticize *what* people say, not the people themselves
Isn't this exactly what I did? The argument was that we should support the band no matter what they released. My criticism was that we should not do so, though I agree the language was strong.
Anyone who supports a band unequivocally, unquestioningly and uncritically is retarded.
Will do. Good on you for enforcing good behavior, we definitely need more of it around here.![]()
I'm also tipping you are a person recently into Opeth, so to you Ghost Reveries sounds like the greatest thing since sliced bread.
He just needs a break from the music "business" and to rekindle the fire and inspiration he had back on the first couple of albums.
MAYH, Still Life, and BWP are infinitely more inspired and creative than the incredibly immature prodding and meandering of Orchid and especially Morningrise, so I'd have to disagree with you there, although I would agree that starting with Deliverance this band has begun to go downhill, but they're still one of the very few metal bands alive with any potential to offer me anything, so I'm always happy to look forward to their releases