Speaking of gear, what's your setup these days and how much has it changed over the years?
I don't know how much it has changed, really. I mean, in 2002 we went with SansAmp, and on the last tour we did I think I had five Marshall amps hot rodded with the eight Marshall cabs. But this time we're going to do with Camper [sic; Kemper]. It's like an Axe FX kind of rack. I actually get to simulate the guitar sound I have in the studio. I don't know how it's going to work, but they say it's very simple. I just got it at home today, so I'm going to sit and program it and do everything with it. Hopefully, that's going to be enough. No speakers, only the pre-amps.
In terms of guitars, what are you currently using and what's been your favorite so far?
I'm hoping now that the favorite is going to be the custom guitar that's going to show up tomorrow or within the next few days. That's going to be very interesting. It's actually an Explorer, but it's in baritone now, and it's made for my tuning. It has the cross in the frets and stuff like that, so it's going to be really cool.