Peter Tägtgren equipment


New Metal Member
Jan 12, 2013
Someone knows that equipments (guitars, amplifiers, pedals, effects) this great musician and guitarist uses?:worship:
lately he's been using an ESP explorer guitar most of the time, live at least. Ive seen them often with Marshall amps.

In the first years of Hypocrisy, Peter has ben using a V Jackson guitar, then he used a 7 string Ibanez axe (The final champter/Self Titled era) then I think I saw him used an ESP Eclipse if memory serves...since then he's been sporting some different types of ESP Explorer guitars
On albums he uses a Sansamp PSA-1 for recording, throughout Hypocrisy and Pain. I believe he switched to it on The final Chapter and beyond, before that I think it was the old Mesa Dual rectos. Live however you'll see him using whatever amps he can tour with, I think in the states a few years ago he was using a Marshall JVM
Quotes from a Guitar world interview with Tägtgren:

Speaking of gear, what's your setup these days and how much has it changed over the years?

I don't know how much it has changed, really. I mean, in 2002 we went with SansAmp, and on the last tour we did I think I had five Marshall amps hot rodded with the eight Marshall cabs. But this time we're going to do with Camper [sic; Kemper]. It's like an Axe FX kind of rack. I actually get to simulate the guitar sound I have in the studio. I don't know how it's going to work, but they say it's very simple. I just got it at home today, so I'm going to sit and program it and do everything with it. Hopefully, that's going to be enough. No speakers, only the pre-amps.

In terms of guitars, what are you currently using and what's been your favorite so far?

I'm hoping now that the favorite is going to be the custom guitar that's going to show up tomorrow or within the next few days. That's going to be very interesting. It's actually an Explorer, but it's in baritone now, and it's made for my tuning. It has the cross in the frets and stuff like that, so it's going to be really cool.
Hate to necro thread this one but I'm listening to The Final Chapter and on one of the guitar breaks it definitely sounds like he's using a Boss HM-2 at least in the center guitar track. I guess it could also be a Metal Zone but being Swedish I'm putting my eggs in the Heavy Metal pedal basket. :lol:
Well, apologies for necroing the thread once again, but indeed as Terminus said, let alone the guitar break (suppose it's the one in Inseminated Adoption? it always gives me the feeling of some cybernetic demon being unleashed from the underground haha) I can easily hear the growl of the almighty maxed out HM-2 on most Hypocrisy albums starting from The Final Chapter, it's so well layered under the Sansamp PSA-1 tone that it ain't really the balls out Stockholm sound, but it is a chainsaw of some sorts indeed, heh.

The pre-TFC records also sound like the Sansamp PSA-1 but direct with its own speaker emulation rather than being used as a preamp into the power amp section of a head and then into a cab, which kinda sounds like most of his productions post-1996.. Haven't found exact information except that he uses the Sansamp and the HM-2 (and a Marshall Valvestate 8100 head, well most Swedish guitar tones had that amp in the chain til the late 90's anyways heheh) a lot, and that's what I think I'm hearing if I have to trust my ears. Though I recall reading about Tapp Amps made custom modded JCM900ish heads being used on Taste of Extreme Divinity, not sure about what was used on the recent album. I could kinda confirm the Sansamp part because I have some raw Sansamp PSA-1 profiles on my Kemper, and after a bit of tweaking I've made a tone that sounds very much like the tone on both The Abyss albums. Some guy on the Kemper forums also profiled his PSA-1, then EQ matched it with the Abducted album, I can't even notice myself playing when I strum with Roswell 47 together.

I have no idea about what he uses live though, but i'd say probably the PSA-1 slaved into some head and then through 1960 cabs (I think he used G12-T75 speakers in studio?) unless he's using the amps by themselves lately.

I wish he'd visit the boards and tell us at least about the foundations of the Abyss tone openly, heck I'd stay home and record the first "studio tribute" album dedicated to him, haha. Well if I ever get the chance to launch my own Studio, I'll hang Tagtgren, Swanö and Nordström's portraits side by side at the control room.