Petition to get Metric Halo Channel Strip for PC VST


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
Ok, so I keep checking the Metric Halo site only to be disappointed, so I thought if I get enough people asking for it, they might finally make one (long shot I know, but we can at least try!).

So anyone who would like Metric Halo Channel Strip on their PC give me your vote on here. If we get enough people with friends who also want to vote who aren't forum members, then I'll get a Facebook group going as well. Just want to have a list of names/user names to produce to them in a shot in the dark attempt.

Thanks in advance for your help!

if MH makes you go Mac just so you can use the channelstrip you'll be grateful for the rest of your engineering career...
So I hope MH will never release the plugin for windows, Cause I really think being forced to go OS X just because of this plug would make you guys happy in the end...and I'd like to see yous happy ;)
MH CS is licensed only for 1 computer. For 2 computers you need buy additional license.