Petition to unban GoD

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I knew it was lykathe. For one because of one thing, but then the obvious thing that GoD wouldn't pick a name as shit as that.
coonlapse said:
ill probobly make another real account later, this one was just for posting on sot a bit

Why don't you guys just act with some semi-respect to other users and use your original names? I *do* have better things to do than banning you guys, and believe it or not, it's the last thing I want to be fooled with. When you leave me no choice however...

Quit junking up the forums with umpteen screen names.
Well he was getting pretty annoying near the end. It seemed like he was trying really hard to get banned. But nevertheless he was a cool poster most of the time, and he had some awesome racial slurs so I'll vote for him to be unbanned.
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