Phantom power killer?


Proud Behringer User
Feb 19, 2012
Is there any device that I can connect between my mixer which provides phantom power and a ribbon microphone not to break it?
Phantom power will not harm most ribbon mics. Just don't patch things in and out (if you're using a patchbay) while the phantom is turned on.

That said, there are devices like the Cloud Microphones Cloudlifter that connect between the mixer and the mic that are designed to actually take advantage of the phantom power to improve the performance of ribbon mics.
Phantom power will not harm most ribbon mics. Just don't patch things in and out (if you're using a patchbay) while the phantom is turned on.

That said, there are devices like the Cloud Microphones Cloudlifter that connect between the mixer and the mic that are designed to actually take advantage of the phantom power to improve the performance of ribbon mics.


I have two Fathead Ribbons and I use the CL-2 (cloudlifter) to get 25dB of clean gain. The phantom power doesn't get to the microphone only powers the CL-2.