Phavian Update


Aug 1, 2002
Azusa, CA
[FONT=&quot]Phavian Mailing List[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]April 9th, 2010[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]For those of you who don't already know, we have returned from our tour. We had a blast on the road playing a bunch of amazing shows, meeting lots of cool new people, and overall just enjoying the rock star lifestyle (all rock stars go dog sledding right?) At the moment all the pictures, videos, and various other things we collected are being compiled and soon enough you will be able to view it all. We'll definitely be posting it on our webpage as well as our Facebook. So if you want to see what we were up to, or catch yourself in a photo you took with us, just keep checking back and you'll see it all. We'll send out another email as soon as it's up as well.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]To all the new Phans of Phavian that we made on tour, thank you guys for being so great. It's always a bit intimidating to go to new places, but you guys all made us feel as if we were the most important band ever. We'll keep you updated on the next time we return to your area.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]We’re pretty sure everyone on the face of the planet has a Facebook, and of course we’re all addicted to it. So in the case that you haven’t already searched us out on it, make sure to head over and become a fan of the page. Also, we have a favor to ask each and every one of you. Please invite all of your friends! The more people that are fans, the more we can spread, and the sooner that you can rub it in everyone’s face that you knew us back when we were a tiny little band asking you for help. Trust us, the favor won’t be forgotten! You can find the page here.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]A new board has been created on the Phavian Forums. Now each member has their own board for them to write about whatever they want, and for you to respond and harass us. Yea, I said it. So if you ever want to see what we are up to, just head over to the forums, and come talk to us. If you have any suggestions, please let us know![/FONT]

Now go forth and spread the Phavian Gospel![/FONT]

