Philip Anselmo humiliates some punk at a Down show

I would've dropped his 80lb heroin addicted ass!! I drop on my knees for NO MAN!!

I'm more of a SJR fan than Down anyway... To be honest Down sucks!! I wish he would just stick to SJR.. He got lucky on this night.. If this is something he does regulary sooner or later he's going to end up with his teeth in his hand.
I have to agree with T-Man. I don't give a shit who you are. You don't treat another human being like that. If he did something fucked up, let security toss them out. Although, during an SOD show at the Penny Arcade in Rochester, I saw Billy military press some kid and toss him back into the crowd after he jumped on the stage and tried to grab the mic. That was pretty damn funny.
I would've dropped his 80lb heroin addicted ass!! I drop on my knees for NO MAN!!

I'm more of a SJR fan than Down anyway... To be honest Down sucks!! I wish he would just stick to SJR.. He got lucky on this night.. If this is something he does regulary sooner or later he's going to end up with his teeth in his hand.

no way! Down is EXCELLENT!!
cant really deal with SJR.

anyway, the word i got about that incident is that the guy getting reamed out had thrown several bottles at the stage. the first bottle Phil ignored. the second bottle he didnt.
I do like Phil as a singer but every time he opens his mouth to say something he sounds like an asshole....

That's the thing that sucks about the guy. He can't keep his mouth shut EVER. I am also tired of hearing about all the "boxing" and weight training he does and how he is such a badass:rolleyes:. How come there is ZERO boxing footage of him if he is so good? While I like some of his bands, I do wish I could see some footage of him getting his ass handed to him in a fight.
That's the thing that sucks about the guy. He can't keep his mouth shut EVER. I am also tired of hearing about all the "boxing" and weight training he does and how he is such a badass:rolleyes:. How come there is ZERO boxing footage of him if he is so good? While I like some of his bands, I do wish I could see some footage of him getting his ass handed to him in a fight.

i like Phil. i dont like his attitude, sometimes.
does that make sense?

anyway, just wait. it happened to Glen Danzig. it'll happen to him.
WOW!! Sue I can't believe it!!! This is the first thing I've EVER disagreed with you on!!

I'm going to have to re listen to the Down cds because more than likely I'm wrong!!:)

yeah... give 'em another listen. sometimes we hear things that dont strike us, at first, then we give them another listen at a later time and hear things we didnt at first.

Phil must have a really small penis to be acting that way his whole life. The funny part is, no one would know who the bastard was if he didn't replace the original singer from Pantera. He must know this deep down inside, and I think it kills him knowing he owes his entire livelihood to the Abbotts. Fuck Phil Anselmo. Macho posturing never impressed me at all. If I were that kid, I woulda kicked him in the nuts, if he has any. Fucking big talking pussy. I hope some midget fucks him up down the line and there's good footage of it.
I believe it was in '95 on the Far Beyond Driven tour, Phil almost got in a fight with a security guard, so this isn't the first time he's acted like this on stage.

Personally, I like Phil. I enjoy most of his projects and I really couldnt give a fuck about what he says/does bla bla. I get what he was trying to do here. It's annoying as hell to get shit thrown at you on stage. I posted it just to spark a discussion.
I understand, but the way he handled it sucked. That whole "get on your knees" shit. All he had to do was get security and instead he tried to reinforce how tough he is. I know that's his image, but it's transparent and unnecessary. And throwing bottles onstage should be a fucking felony after what happened to Dime. You never know what the fuck is coming at you, so I understand why he was pissed. But the tough guy posturing really doesn't make me wanna buy their music or attend their shows. If I wanted to see some insecure muscle head embarrass someone in public, I can just go down to the bowling alley on league night.
I understand, but the way he handled it sucked. That whole "get on your knees" shit. All he had to do was get security and instead he tried to reinforce how tough he is. I know that's his image, but it's transparent and unnecessary. And throwing bottles onstage should be a fucking felony after what happened to Dime. You never know what the fuck is coming at you, so I understand why he was pissed. But the tough guy posturing really doesn't make me wanna buy their music or attend their shows. If I wanted to see some insecure muscle head embarrass someone in public, I can just go down to the bowling alley on league night.

i've never seen muscleheads at the bowling alley. :OMG:

anyway, in another account of this same Down tour, Phil must have thought better of calling people out like that.
somebody threw something else at the stage and he informed the crowd that if they caught anybody throwing anything at the stage that they should 'gently' take hold of the person and lead him to the nearest security person.
I posted it just to spark a discussion.
And it was a good choice O.M. I like Phil as well, but my best, closest friend in the world couldn't pull that shit on me without getting punched in the mouth!!

I still don't like Down.. But am willing to give them another try because Sue & Hatred are seldom wrong.. (Or their always wrong and I usually agree with them, making me wrong too!!):lol:
Phil was pissed off, (you would be too) he got 2 beers thrown at him and the crowd pointed out the coward punk kid that deserved to get kicked out. Phil could of just stormed off the stage and stopped the show, but instead he had some fun with the punk kid and embarrased the fool. I know the kid got scared when he tried to stare Phil down, eye to eye with a metal demon... man Phil could of murdered the kid.