Philip Anselmo humiliates some punk at a Down show

could care less, I wouldn't care if the kid broke Phils neck. Phil is way past his prime, and I know the kid may go to one of his concerts one day and shoot him dead. I still enjoy what Phil did to the kid, so sit back have a laugh... and put the fire out on your tampons fuse.
I'm far from gay, but if you've seen some Pantera home vids, then you'll get to seeing some footage of Phil's sausage, and it's far from small. Sorry, but it had to be said. But he is an asshole.

OH, YEAH!! i remember that vid! it was the first one and you do get a really good look at Phil's 'equipment.'

i can say, in no uncertain terms... 'small' isnt the first thing that came to mind when i saw that trouser troll.
You people are patheticly sympathetic to this maggot shit bag kid, I hope Phil breakes a nose next time that would rule and maybe piss off more parents like in this thread.

Finally watched that goddamned video. Looks to me like the kid had no choice but obey Phil. I mean, if he wasn't intimidated by the sweating tanked addict howling at him, then he certainly was terrified at what the crowd of pumped-up skinheads might do to his untried ass if he tried to leave the stage without paying Phil homage...

I couldn't see the sausage either.

I saw Phil on Headbanger's Ball last night...what a complete tool. He tries to be tough and intellectual and comes off as a total fool...besides the fact that he's obviously burnt out and I'm certain he doesn't know anywhere near as much about fighting as he thinks. They had him in a gym training some boxer...what a joke. Listening to him talk and share his "philosophy" made me cringe, yet it had some trainwreck quality to it...I couldn't look away...ha!
I saw that Headbanger's ball last night and that guy Phil was training was sloppy, had poor footwork and his conditioning was a joke. Why would you want Phil Anselmo to train you?
I saw that Headbanger's ball last night and that guy Phil was training was sloppy, had poor footwork and his conditioning was a joke. Why would you want Phil Anselmo to train you?

Many heroin addicts have great boxing records.:lol:

Sorry...this guy just doesn't seem tough. Billy would send him slinking into a corner crying and wetting himself.:lol: I'm sure of that!