Philly meet and greet 10/19/2008


Destroyer of the Universe
Sep 4, 2003
I think this was the only meet and greet scheduled for the US tour and it was across the street in Decibel magazines offices from the Troc in philly. Man was it fun. The guys were super nice and we got to like hang out with them for like a whole hour. I think I believe i was one of the first to get my bobbleheads actually signed by them cause they were amazed i bought them to the signing and I was the only one to bring them. Anyone else go to signing and show at the Troc. It was certainly a great fuckin afternoon and night! Here are some pics.






That is the best shot ever lol


that's my gf in the viking helmet, Johan's look says hey wait a sec she is no viking. lol



All of us except my friend who took the photo from the signing.
is it me or is ollie just utterly incapable of ever putting on an enthusiastic face in pictures? haha
is it me or is ollie just utterly incapable of ever putting on an enthusiastic face in pictures? haha

Yep def male. lol from my rants about the setlist for this tour should of been enough to say im male (i was very happy with North Sea Storm and Victorious March once again, I almost got rainbow bridge in VA but Fredrik only meantioned it 2 minutes before they went on and the light guy needed to know to they changed it so hopefully next time. At the signing i jokes with Johan bout doin Siegreicher Marsch, he laughed and said i don't think i did that version since i recorded it LMAO.)

Speakin of of Ollie yeah check this one out. i left this one out but i think this proves your point.


lol wow look at Ted, he completely forgot a DIGIPAK of STTNW existed, he was amazed at it.
I know dont cry you was just tryin to get in the group pic. should of went under the table like i did instead of on it lol *pets nikki on head*
I know dont cry you was just tryin to get in the group pic. should of went under the table like i did instead of on it lol *pets nikki on head*

When we were done the pic I went under the table. Remind me, next time a Decibel signing happens, I'm going under the table.
I know i should of took a pic of you crawling back under the table, you looked cute. lol next decibel signing i will remind you to go under the table (so i can a pic of your cute arse as you do lol) hehe

PS: Congratulations on gettin 4 points from us the other day. you needed those wins. lucky last goal though. at least your not like other philly phans who with malicious intent bring in a stink bomb to a game. that was just wrong. hopefully it doesn't ruin the WS for you and release the philly curse (yeah i know 2 different sports but it is philly) . your ok for now bein up 2-1. we will see what happens tonight. did you go last night? that rain delay was nuts.