Phil's emotional video statement on Dime

Damn thats rough. RIP Dimebag!! The good ones always leave us too soon....

I guess I haven't been following the whole Pantera break up, anyone know why his family wouldn't want Phil at the funeral??
GWOODS said:
I guess I haven't been following the whole Pantera break up, anyone know why his family wouldn't want Phil at the funeral??
When Pantera broke up, there was a battle of words between Phil and Dime, with both sides talking shit about the other. Phil said some not so nice things about Dime and Vinnie, and the media got a boner whenever somebody said something and reported it right away, making Phil's statment true. The media really did kill Pantera.
Pretty sad. I think it's genuine. People fight..."brothers" fight. Sometimes things are said and they are meant to hurt but not meant to be taken literally. A lot of the words between the two parties were probably stirred on by a lot of the media quotes/half quotes which I think Phil is talking about in that video. I do feel sorry for him with the way he has to live it out from here on knowing he'll never get to make things right. Hopefully he can patch it all up with Vinnie.