Photo of "Big Dave" rushing Maidens stage at Ozzfest

Oct 5, 2003
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Member of the Osbourne crew and BLS crew "Big Dave" was caught red handed rushing the stage during Iron Maiden's performance of "The Trooper"on Aug 20 at Ozzfest. The photo shows an Iron Maiden bouncer throwing the pile of shit off of the stage

This jackass is the biggest chauvinistic asshole I've ever heard of. He tried hitting on my friend last time BLS played HOB in Hollywood and talked about her right in front of her face to her boyfriend about how he wanted to "hit that later" like she wasn't even there. Needless to say, my friend ripped him a new asshole. :headbang: What scum of the Earth. Should I be suprised it's the same idiot? I sure hope he knows how to grow eyes in the back of his head cuz he seems to have made a ton of new friends in San Berdo who can't wait to see him again!
Doodoobubbachuck said:
This jackass is the biggest chauvinistic asshole I've ever heard of. He tried hitting on my friend last time BLS played HOB in Hollywood and talked about her right in front of her face to her boyfriend about how he wanted to "hit that later" like she wasn't even there. Needless to say, my friend ripped him a new asshole. :headbang: What scum of the Earth. Should I be suprised it's the same idiot? I sure hope he knows how to grow eyes in the back of his head cuz he seems to have made a ton of new friends in San Berdo who can't wait to see him again!
