Sharon Osbourne Open Letter to ROD (Maidens Manager)

I wouldn't have gone to Ozzfest if Maiden wasn't there. That simple. And to that comment of hers (i'm surprised no one else has mentioned it) "The "Real" Iron Maiden

Sharon Osbourne", please if she is the real iron maiden I am the real president of Muraco. :loco:
There's a crazy theory going around, (the more I think about it though, the less crazy it really is)... it goes as follows:

The reason Sharon Osbourne did not approach Rod and waited until the last show to unleash this childish revenge, is because she was expecting Bruce and the boys to walk off-stage, thus breaching their contract with the Ozzfest organizers. When they didn't do that, she came onstage and "explained" herself...

crazy, huh?
She’s probably just an angry, uptight, paranoid and arrogant nut case; yea she doesn’t mind risking a riot in which people would die, because she’s mad at someone… What a piece of work