Photographers - where do post pics for online portfolio? ¯\(°_o)/¯

depends for what purpose you're using it.

If you just want so upload your photos some where, use Flickr, it's easy, it works,
millions of other people use it for the same reason.
If you want to get a job as a photographer and send links to your Flickr profile to
people...not that professional, a self hosted tumblr or wordpress blog is way better
for something like this, even a Behance profile is better.
If you just want a place to upload your photos to save them, dropbox, google drive
or whatever :D
In the end, setting up your own tumblr or wordpress blog is pretty easy, depending
on the host you can probably get a page running for 2-5$ a month and still upload
the stuff to Flickr, share it via Pinterest and so on.
Thanks for the suggestions. A blog might be a good suggestion. Thanks, Stef.

Also, hadn't seen before. I'll check it out.

Thanks, guys.