photos... andy and myself in NYC.

James Murphy

Mar 26, 2002
ha.. here we go: i'll post more over the next couple days.. so be sure to check the thread more than just once.


mandatory Times Square tourist shot


andy, ville vallo of HIM, phil demmel of Machine Head, me, paolo of Trivium... backstage at the roadrunner show


dino cazares, adam duce, roy mayorga, brian fair, and logan mader destroy the stage


me on stage with adam duce and tim ripper owens.
James Murphy said:
andy, ville vallo of HIM, phil demmel of Machine Head, me, paulo of Trivium... backstage at the roadrunner show

Great pics Murphy, we needed !!!
Why didn't you take pics with jeff waters?
He took pics with every member of the reunited show but you :erk:

Rember "PAOLO" not Paulo that guy has a typical italian name "Paolo Gregoletto"
Kaomao keeping the italian proudness alive :D
kaomao said:
Why didn't you take pics with jeff waters?
He took pics with every members of the reunited show but you :erk:

me with Nadja Peulen and my sworn enemy, Jeff Waters of Annihilator.

j/k, me and Jeff got on great and you know, there was just so much going on that there were plenty of people neither me nor Jeff got pics with... crazy night.
James Murphy said:
me with Nadja Peulen and my sworn enemy, Jeff Waters of Annihilator.

j/k, me and Jeff got on great and you know, there was just so much going on that there were plenty of people neither me nor Jeff got pics with... crazy night.

Well great!!!
Great pic!!! Two of the most incredible axemen together!!! This is good :) really good!
About the girl: She was the bassist of coalchamber, after the other girl left the band right?
Good looking girl :loco: awesome!!! :)
WOW, if thats what Ville Valo looks like in "real" life, then ive got an awsome chance of picking up at their Oz tour next year, i mean, what chick would want a dude that looks like THAT on stage? haha
Nebulous said:
WOW, if thats what Ville Valo looks like in "real" life, then ive got an awsome chance of picking up at their Oz tour next year, i mean, what chick would want a dude that looks like THAT on stage? haha
oh jeez man, get over yourself, LOL. first of all, Ville is a super nice guy and second, he was piss drunk after a long day, as we all were in that pic.. not to mention he had been outside where it was cold and wet as hell.... and you know what, i'll bet the girls at HIM shows would still choose him in that state over any of us... HA. anyway, he's engaged to his girlfried and appears to be a faithful guy (i.e., he wasn't hitting on any of the plentiful lovely young ladies that were backstage and spoke often of his fiance), so your delicate ego need not be threatened, heh heh ;).


me and ville... getting ready to chat up your girlfriend. :lol:
James Murphy said:
oh jeez man, get over yourself, LOL. first of all, Ville is a super nice guy and second, he was piss drunk after a long day, as we all were in that pic.. not to mention he had been outside where it was cold and wet as hell.... and you know what, i'll bet the girls at HIM shows would still choose him in that state over any of us... HA. anyway, he's engaged to his girlfried and appears to be a faithful guy (i.e., he wasn't hitting on any of the plentiful lovely young ladies that were backstage and spoke often of his fiance), so your delicate ego need not be threatened, heh heh ;).


me and ville... getting ready to chat up your girlfriend. :lol:

Completely BURNED lol
Well hey man, if he's faithful, then you have free reign at the HIM show \m/. Happy hunting, haha.

Nice pics, all of them James. The pic with Jeff from Annihilator is my fave. Seeing his solo on the RR united video made me an instant fan. Seems like a great time was had by all.