Photos from Melbourne and Sydney


Jul 30, 2005
As promised, here are some of my pics, some have been posted already by zep-head but are now lost in the welcome to australia thread so ill re-post anyway.

1. Me and Mikael:

2. Me and Moonlapse

3. Me and Peter before Melb gig 1 (bastard had his eyes closed!)

4. Me and Zep-head (joel) FIRST IN LINE for melb 1!

5. Me, Zep-head, JeBuZ and Olly waiting in line at melb 1

6. Front row centre for melb 1!

7. And finally outside Luna Park for Sydney

I have heaps more photos, including that of the actual concerts, but ill leave it to the man that took them (DZC) to post once he watermarks them. cheers dudes!
worldwide suicide, i expect an apology. We are not ugly...except for the douche on the far right, that is indeed a shocker
haha nice call!.

I was at the sydney show, my cam doesnt have an anti-shake for non-flash photos, so every pic i took was crap. Please upload any pics from sydney show asap.
nice photos! i remember you from the melbourne 2 gig before the show. probably don't remember me..tall skinny dude, that some say looks like peter. i had my BWP album signed. But god i wish i had a proper camera apart from my shitty phone.
man im jealous of all of u who met opeth. definetely gonna have to make more effort to jump in front of their car/plane nxt time they are out.
Pethical said:
5. Me, JeBuZ, Zep-head and Olly waiting in line at melb 1

I know why you chose dork #2 as a friend. and all I can say is "ewwwwww." he's like a not cool version of gene simmons' illegitimate child.
Nexis: first of all, being a non-cool version of gene simmons illegitamite son would get more pussy than you anyday, and secondly this gene simmons tongue allows me to have your mother moaning loud enough she can't hear eternal soul torture as i penetrate her pie-hole.
zep-head said:
Nexis: first of all, being a non-cool version of gene simmons illegitamite son would get more pussy than you anyday, and secondly this gene simmons tongue allows me to have your mother moaning loud enough she can't hear eternal soul torture as i penetrate her pie-hole.

ROFL :ill:
zep-head said:
Nexis: first of all, being a non-cool version of gene simmons illegitamite son would get more pussy than you anyday, and secondly this gene simmons tongue allows me to have your mother moaning loud enough she can't hear eternal soul torture as i penetrate her pie-hole.

hahah, holy shit I don't know whether to ban you or put that in my signature :D. Nah it's cool, good come back. Would preffer if this thread stayed clean though.

@pethical: I'm glad that shot I snapped of you and Mike came out alright, I had my doubts at the time.

Good memories all round.
Shit I must have missed out on that photo with you guys by like 1 person. I was a tad bit closer to Peter. Shame. GOOOOOOOOOOD times.