Photo's of members and your hobbies

Pfff, diets!!
They stink!!
I'm glad i'm not on a diet, when people ask me how i lost so much weight and if i'm on a diet?
I simply say: "no, i started to take care of myself and be nice to me".
They usually throw me a weird look but i don't give a shit about that!
I still have some to go, less then 15 pounds..but!! i'm already way over the critical points!! So, it will come allright, i do not doubt that.
When i started, i weight +/- 222 pounds!!! *ouch*
I lost +/- 62 pounds already, BUT..not in a few months..
It took me 3,5 years to become fat, so i gave myself 3,5 years to get rid of it..and i'm almost there!! :headbang:

Hihi, to tell you pple a secret here!! ;)
know what i'm gonna do?
Last pants i bought, when i was that big?
And the first one i'll buy when i have reached my goal?
I'll cut them both off, just below the knee..
and fill them up with plaster..
I will write "march 2000" in the biggy, and "sept 2003" in the small one.
And put a glass plate on it..and use them as tables!!
I wanna see what it took me and that i never wanna become fat again in my life, not EVER!!!
Or put them in a frame, but i like the idea of a table, better!
When i'm there, i'll post a before and after pic and start a commercial about it, ok? :lol: ;) :lol:

Iris said:
Hihi, to tell you pple a secret here!! ;)
know what i'm gonna do?
Last pants i bought, when i was that big?
And the first one i'll buy when i have reached my goal?
I'll cut them both off, just below the knee..
and fill them up with plaster..
I will write "march 2000" in the biggy, and "sept 2003" in the small one.
And put a glass plate on it..and use them as tables!!
I wanna see what it took me and that i never wanna become fat again in my life, not EVER!!!
Or put them in a frame, but i like the idea of a table, better!
When i'm there, i'll post a before and after pic and start a commercial about it, ok? :lol: ;) :lol:


That's such a cool idea. I almost want to gain 80 pounds and then lose it just so I can do that......almost.
You MUST post a pic when you do that
*gives Iris a standing ovation* There are a lot of people who try to lose weight and never succeed at it. Do make tables out of them though, because that would just be awesome.
*bows proudly*

Thnx guys, and i will try to take a pic!
Indeed, i dunno how i came up with the idea but i'm really gonna
do it. And Well, about the weight loss and not succeeding?
It has nothing to do with wanting!! most woman want an anorexia-look..i just hate it! A woman is looking sexy and female, when she has shape, contours that tell she is a woman!
So hips, butts and titts need to stay!!
It's all a woman can ever be and the media is just making things worse.
And that's why most people have trouble with loosing weight..because they project themselves at the "perfect" models on tv and magazines!!
We recently were talking about aiming to high?
This is a good example!!
It's about willing..willing to look good again and work your ass off (ok, not all of it ;) ) at the gym because you neglected yourself.
That's how i came to realise..i neglected myself! and boy, i felt guilty!!
They should take a pic of themselves, because THEN it's reality and then they know what they will look like and the goal is reachable!

and i think that counts for males too, btw!!
Skinny isn't's awefull!
Ok, males have less trouble with loosing weight because of their metabolism.
But it's more psychology then phisically..but i don't have to tell you that, i guess that's well known.
Ok, i'll stop ramblin, i sound like a priest here!! bah bah! ;)
But, it worked for me that way,
so i thought of sharing it with you, that's all!


and again..thnx for the compliments, they really meant a lot!

Oh Yeah, my hobbies/interests...........

1. Being a MoM (#1)
2. Music (im never without it, where ever I am)
3. Billiards
4. U.M.
5. "Living Life"